Friday, 15 July 2022

'Mateism' not for Northumberland Tories?


It's greasy pole selfism every time!

This week's west area planning committee was graced by the inclusion of a strategic decision. We believe the slippage of a planning matter that will affect a Northumberland village for ever onto a local agenda is a completely political decision and its been well stated on social media that the Leader of Council, Glen Sanderson JP would not have it accepted on to the strategic agenda in case it was turned down by those who know and follow the official rules as planning is supposed to be based on non-political decisions.

The matter, the sale and development of the former farmers mart at Bellingham for very expensive housing has also attracted cash from the North of Tyne Mayor, Jamie Driscoll's brown field site development fund. When issuing the order to aid this site we suspect Mayor Driscoll must not have known that two benefiting shareholders in the former farmers mart site,  Councillors John Ridell and Ian Hutchinson would be sitting on the decision making body. But we here at murky bet he's asking questions now?

A motion against acceptance of the planning application was put forward by a Councillor and sixteen points put forward as to why a decision on this application should not be made by a local committee and needed to be heard by a strategic committee where the North of Tyne Mayor could have his representatives and legal advisors in attendance to ensure a decision he was sponsoring with public funds from across the whole region was lawfully made in a non political fashion.

The motion against acceptance was defeated 5-4 but no reasons for turning down 16 points against the application were given by those who wanted it to succeed and the Northumberland Tories greasy pole was re-wrapped into brown paper to be erected again as soon as mates or members need to use it to fill their pokes to bursting at the next planning debacle from the continuing secret Council.

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