Monday, 22 November 2021

With the spin unravelling Olly's tale of woe shows how his whinging is a base cover up for failure.


This week's leakage to the press illustrates how ultra right wing Gorgons have infiltrated the Conservative Party across the County of Northumberland. 

Firstly with the disgraceful events surrounding the closure of youth services by a Council portfolio holder who has probably never ventured that far south in the County (but he does have a Prudhoe right winger as his assistant). Secondly when that activity is coupled with the release of the investigation into Councillor Homer's  animated reactions to the Hexham Courant in an attempt to cover up potential serious allegations of bullying and harassment of staff now being reported to the Council's standards board by a top independent investigator shows the mess the council is in.

Councillor Oliver of Corbridge tried a similar 'let's all feel sorry for me' tactic, by going public on his sacking from a Council committee chairmanship then being replaced by a member of the Libdem opposition. 

His whinge does show however, if true, how the Leadership pairing of Councillors Sanderson and Wearmouth are when it comes to managing their team of extremists and bully's that they simply didn't point to his four years of pathetic failure to achieve best value on behalf of the public when he sat as the portfolio holder for finance. This tragedy to ignore openly explaining his personal failures to a member of their own party is particularly galling following release of Oliver's own reports into the public domain which led the then chair of the audit committee being conned into having to pay the ferryman to cross the river Styx and not return to high office during this four year term, an act of bullying if ever we saw one.

So our team thought it best to point towards the release of Councillor Oliver's last audit report which will be reported on next Wednesday at the audit committee, overseen by a different auditor which shows his planned borrowing to exceed £1,2Bn shortly. Something he accused Labour of planning back in 2017. 

He, Councillor Oliver, began his new order by telling the world how his prudence will stop borrowing creeping up from happening. For four years under his mighty persona the Council hasn't delivered anything that wasn't already planned and scoped in by Labour. His promises of saviour-ship under his control has led to the Council delivering nothing new of any distinction apart from alleged serious acts of bullying which drove top officers away from the Council's door leaving the skill set required by an organisation of this size with dreadful howling gales whipping through the gaps.

Let's see what he has to say when it's his turn for the investigators report to be released? We bet his spin will be a sight to behold when that happens.

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