Thursday, 5 August 2021

Tories to give Animals ‘Greater Rights than Working Families and Pensioners’?


We have seen over the last decade how Conservative governments have punished those who fight for the rights of working people and pensioners. The lies told by the Tory Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, about his supposedly having a plan to manage your care and the removal of the need to sell your home to pay for a broken system that can be fixed if the will he purported to have was there, brings fear to the doors of most pensioners.

A decade of Anti-trade union laws and the slashing of benefits for those in need leading towards the creation of a greater social underclass and the removal of medical advisers from medical health appeals are just three headline changes brought in by the Tories to damage working families and most recently the inspections of refugee and migrant centres by MP’s have described the conditions that we as a nation keep and now treat other members of the human race in desperate need is testament indeed to how society has begun to accept a have and have not society as a norm.

The latest set of rules to batter those who have not had high class private schooling or don’t belong to a top London club, are on their way through Parliament via the ‘Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill’.

Of course in Northumberland the treatment of staff who work for the Tory Council in office has been well documented. The bullying and lies told about workers who may in some way have said a single wrong word against those in localised power who think in their dreams that they too are a member of a local branch of the Bullingdon Club is abominable. But the news that another top officer is leaving the Council and that the number of ex-people who are trying to remove ‘Northumberland County Council’ from their CV’s is growing rapidly show how lowly Tories who think they know more than their top staff will stoop to pick off those who may show the ugly side of their power trips which haven’t helped pensioners or working families.

We here at murky admire the long term pressure put onto the Conservatives in power by animal rights activists and the Animal Welfare (sentience) Bill would be a super-duper way forward if the Government introducing it were to treat humans who don’t comply with the Tory ideal in a better fashion or Tories who have to rely on their patrons from the development industry who will be massively hit by this bill ( it affects housing sites and therefore development costs greatly) and were sure it will be modified to suit money making before it becomes an act of Parliament but we must remind those who march to bring the plight of people worldwide to the fore should ensure they bring the problems that living in a society where local vermin (that's not a description of Tories by the way although on second thoughts!) will have much greater rights than the family man who washes your windows or the pensioner who guides your children across the road after school.

Why not begin the much needed education of people about the state of the UK today by writing to your MP and getting her or his thoughts on the Government plans to treat Animals better than working families and pensioners and promote a Human Welfare (sentience) Bill to run in tandem so at least people will have equal rights to the pets they adore or the rabbits in their local field?

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Our Council has raised tax by 4.99% and you won’t believe what they are spending your money on?

Conservative led Northumberland County Council has raised its council tax by the maximum allowed, 4.99% yet again after a series of massive ...