Friday, 20 August 2021

NCC aiding privatisation of the NHS

Where is the evidence for change?

With the major public sector trade unions coming out against a faction of the County Council Tory administration wishing to set up an agreement between the Council and Harrogate NHS and begin the break up of their long standing partnership with Northumbria Healthcare NHS trust we here at murky need to ask where the evidence sits that change is necessary?

The last Labour administration at County Hall displayed great loyalty towards the Northumbria Trust by buying out the PFI of Hexham hospital and then building a fire station within the hospital grounds to help generate funds to expand people services at Hexham.

They also loaned cash to finish off Cramlington emergency hospital, modernise Alnwick facility, build a new hospital in Berwick and build Haltwhistle hospital all through the partnership agreement between the two bodies and closed the gap between care and health in some of the Countries most deprived areas in the County of Northumberland with staff from both organisations working together as one.

NHS meeting minutes available online show that the latest news of partnership breakup was driven by Councillor Peter Jackson and his henchwoman Cllr. Veronica Jones, who had a report for change presented to the NHS Trust Board in Oct/Nov 2019. But following our ring-around of Labour Councillors, the Tory administration have not issued that report to Councillors. Yet here we are with Tory factions fighting each other over the breakup of a huge well funded partnership and the man who led the Council and had the change report drawn up now trying to stop it, after allegedly speaking with a private health provider, why!

All of the reports including the Peter Jackson statements on the Health International Department where the external auditor proved he didn't know his backside from his elbow needs to be made available to ALL residents of Northumberland before the unions begin to take industrial action to save a partnership that has become accoding to the chair of the audit panel, as seen on you tube a playground prank, being fought out between Tory factions to see which group of nasties can run your Council.

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