Saturday, 28 August 2021

Cramlington Tories split away from desperate MP

An appeal by Adam Parson’s one of the few Conservative members still supporting Blyth MP Ian Levy for help to deliver Levy’s leaflets in Blyth shows exactly how the Wayne Daley led Cramlington Conservatives have split away from the Levy camp and how Ian Levy is left sitting in the wrong trumpet section of the wrong band.

There was a time just a short while ago when the Cramlington Conservatives would have pulled out all of the stops to aid Levy but the problems facing his friends from the ex-Morpeth mob who are now formed as the second opposition group at Northumberland County Hall behind the Labour Party, when linked with the changes suggested by the boundary commission have left Ian Levy MP at the starting gates.

Were sure that conversations will be underway to confirm which top Tory from either Northumberland or North Tyneside gets the chance to run in the potential new marginal seat of, ‘Seaton Valley with Monkseaton’ constituency, but as the reputation of the Government fades into the sunset and the Labour Party follows the methods used to remove Neville Trotter in the past then the potential for a race to the bottom for the nasty party members from either Cramlington or Blyth may be taken out of local hands altogether! 

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Conservative led Northumberland County Council has raised its council tax by the maximum allowed, 4.99% yet again after a series of massive ...