Saturday, 24 July 2021

Secret Council?


No! were simply being vindictive.

Moving into year five of a Conservative administration in charge at County Hall in Morpeth we here at Murky thought it was time we looked at the lack of achievement for people, the false rhetoric poured out as vitriol and the problems caused by infighting among themselves which has destroyed the belief in a Council’s honesty and integrity at all levels.

The e-office conversation at the new style distanced murky desk was brought about because ‘Google’ singled out aFOI title on the open democracy site ‘What do they know and left it for all to see. 

 Clicking on the link from a Mr Owen

Smith, not a contibutor to murky 

illustrates how your local Unitary Council for Northumberland (hiding behind the ancient status of County Council) faces up to any challenge to ask about its secretive nature. It uses every excuse to blank out her or his subject matter. In actual fact open democracy isn’t available to Northumberland’s residents, a short look around the site from this link tells all!

 Infighting, the catalyst for the lack of any progress is also linked to the complete disregard for loyalty to the fractured Tory groups rotten core when we look at how the Conservatives treated their former friend and colleague Councillor Georgina Hill. Out of loyalty and trust, she delivered exactly what the Tories required of her as chair of the audit committee they then threw her under the bus when things began to blister and a virtual information fence has been built around her person until one side or the other among the warring clans decides how to be even more vindictive towards her in the future.

Some leaks have filtered through to the public as the stench of bubbling vitriol seeps from life’s cesspit at County Hall and the exposure of bullying and deceit towards employees led to the Councils then leader, Peter Jackson being ousted from office but the leaks were quickly stemmed as the patchwork of mobs and clans were said to have taken advice from their MP’s and have quietened down to become even more secretive than ever and the former press speculation about the Company Advance Northumberland has been cut back enormously as its new board of directors have few links with the former team, a very Mussolini like practice indeed.

But we here at Murky would like to know if that was an MP thing or a cash donor matter? The press revelation that the MP for Berwick recused herself from questions about an energy matter because Northumberland Conservatives had taken in a donation from an energy magnate, Ms Trevelyan said: "I am unable to answer any of (Ms West's) questions as I have recused myself from all matters to do with the Aquind Interconnector because Northumberland Conservatives received some funds from one of the owners of the company."

Is it strange that the largest task left over from the last Labour administration was an energy interconnector from Norway to Cambois in Northumberland and that the Councillor in charge of that work through the Company Advance Northumberland, Richard Wearmouth is also director of a number of energy companies and it has been said by members of the other side of the rift that he also handles the cash holdings of Northumberland Conservatives.

 We don’t expect any answers to any questions or secrets raised in this article as although it seems to be something the press haven’t cottoned onto, but the disgraced Councillor, Peter Jackson has been placed in charge of the audit committee in Ms Hills place.

Hey Ho!



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