Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Cramlington will suffer most from New Conservative Stealth Tax.


Lord Bethel, the conductor of what is claimed to be a predetermined consultation on extending the £9.35 per item prescription charge beyond the current age 60 cut off point for free NHS prescriptions to catch out those from age 60 to 66.

Publicly known as the ‘Johnson’s stealth tax on the sick’ Lord Bethels plans are expected to hook in £300M per annum to help bolster the Conservatives Treasury ‘War Chest’ election coffers by 2026.

In Northumberland the economy of the counties second largest town Cramlington, will be hit hardest over the next decade and beyond as it is home to the largest group of people in the about to be unfairly attacked by stealth, those in the 60 to 66 age group and the two age groups below the rip off age who will catch up over the decade.

Lord Bethel an old harrovian hereditary peer is said to be a close friend of the proven disloyal lothario and now ex-health secretary Matt Hancock and has links to Milford James who is under investigation for issuing a ‘lovers security pass’ to Matt Hancocks moll Gina Coladangelo.

Johnson MP is using this sector of his ‘nasty party’ to attack those preparing for retirement by reducing their spending power prior at an age when they should be saving to spend later in life in order to grab spending headlines at a later date in his administration. 

How this will affect the economy of Cramlington is yet to be seen but affect it it will and were sure Conservative supporting businesses will want to hear from their Conservative MP Ian Levy on whether he supports a medium term run down of cash circulating in the local economy or not?

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Our Council has raised tax by 4.99% and you won’t believe what they are spending your money on?

Conservative led Northumberland County Council has raised its council tax by the maximum allowed, 4.99% yet again after a series of massive ...