Wednesday, 26 August 2020

The Spider spins it web at County Hall

 As the press winds up the story of the battle between Northumberland County Council Leader and its Chief Executive we at the Murky have been lucky enough to see some of the leaked e-mails that are held by the press and we can say they are explosive stuff indeed.

They are not at all about what’s being talked about by the public locally who seem to think the fall out is about an over-claim for Councillor Expenses by Councillors in love and the BLM debate, the Tories have made a good job of spinning these stories out onto a gullible public as they strive to gain the latest news from the cesspit that is Northumberland County Hall.

One of the e-mail’s centres on a Councillor pressurizing and bullying officers over the sale of a piece of Council land to him on the outskirts of a lovely rural village in the County which we are led to believe has some very valuable  planning permission for housing attached to it.

It appears that the Chief Executive and the Leader of Council have argued on a number of occasions about the situation and a threat to report this Councillor to the Police and the external auditor is contained in the message we have seen.

Our concern at the Murky is why in the last three years has the auditor not been asked to look at this so that he can make a Police or Standards Board report as necessary?

Why has the Councils internal fraud investigation team not been mobilised? because they are not mentioned in the e-mail and should have been if its context is to be believed.

And why has the chair of audit simply allowed the Chief Executive to run out reports aimed directly against opposition members after the Police found no criminality in their actions and not bother to follow the Governance Plan set by the external auditor EY?

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