Friday, 14 August 2020

Is Cllr. Wayne Daley hiding in Full Public View?


On the back of the absolute mess Northumberland County Council finds itself in its deputy leader and spokesperson for Childrens Services and Education Cllr. Wayne Daley resigned his cabinet post.

His spin in the Hexham Courant is that his resignation is centred on his undying support for the suspended Chief Executive Officer, Mrs Daljit Lally who in an email to all elected members in Northumberland exposed some of the myriad of problems surrounding the current leadership of both the Council and its subsidiary company Advance Northumberland of which Wayne Daley was an integral element until this week.

His huge ambition to lead the Conservative Group in Northumberland is not a hidden fact but because he is a true Conservative and not a Tory his many Leadership bids have fallen on Stoney ground as support for ultra right wing politics has grown among Northumberland's Tories in recent years, the recent revelation from Mrs Lally in a leaked Council e-mail surrounding the current Leaders actions over the Black Lives Matter stance of the Council illustrates that perfectly.

Therefore the question that must be asked is Councillor Daley hiding in full public view in case his Leader Councillor Peter Jackson stumbles and the public outcry forces him to retire from politics to save the Conservative Party in Northumberland?

Wayne Daley is a political survivor and his resignation at the peak time for Education due to the current position with A level students results across his former realm is at an all time high. He has managed though this soft resignation to dodge the bullets being aimed at many who hold similar positions across other Councils nationally.

But his biggest failings are because he is a Conservative and not a Tory, his complete lack of joined up thinking surrounding the Governments huge investments in Energy Central and the complete ignorance by the County Council of an adult training plan to ensure local people from Northumberland can access the highly paid jobs on offer at this massive and ever growing national facility in the River Blyth basin is notoriously obvious.

On his watch he has ignored the running down of services at Northumberland College in Ashington by its new management group from Sunderland College who have been accused by TU’s of engineering an asset stripping program as investments from Industry in the College haven’t arrived in time for is survival. Without a solid plan from Cllr. Daley and his officers the College will not be able to re-engage with business in a timely fashion and will become another brownfield site for Tory doners and developers to profit from.

The snakepit that is the Conservative Party in Northumberland are still up to their tricks of ignoring the needs of working families across in particular South East Northumberland and the Rural Coalfield who need to access the well paid jobs on offer at energy central to revive the post BREXIT and Covid damaged County but the Tories will be hoping trained personnel who take up posts on the River Blyth will strengthen the Tory vote. Their antics can be easily seen through and if Wayne Daley becomes their next Leader that ignorance and lack of support will carry on regardless.

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