Monday, 31 August 2020

Cramlington Conservatives

 May sound like the cavalry, they may smell like the cavalry but if they act like the cavalry they will end up like ‘Custer’?

Wanye Daley. The Northumberland County Councillor closest in thinking to Leon Griffiths the fantastic writer of the story ‘Minder’ which contained the character with a doppelganger surname Arthur Daley has appeared in this blog on a number of occasions covering the comedy of errors he has been in charge of at County Hall in Morpeth.

Most recently we asked the question about his resignation from the Cabinet led by the beleaguered and very avoidable Councillor Peter Jackson as to whether Wayne was lying in wait ready to pounce and devour him in order to race to the top of the pile and fulfil his dreams.

Cllr. Daley has managed to cluster his troops in Cramlington and tell the public through the press how he cannot support his Ceausescu style Leaders actions.

We hear his Leader asks different questions and makes contrasting statements regarding Councillor Daley’s antics when speaking behind his back, his closest allies now feel thoroughly let down by Daley’s actions. The disquiet revolves around the complete lack of achievement surrounding the bravado statements Daley has made since 2017 including his early desertion of the wreck known as Advance Northumberland (but more of that in another blog). Daley’s failures are enormous and when the investigations of the County Council cease will go down in history as HUGE by public sector standards.

Wayne Daley promised to seriously improve and raise educational standards in Northumberland. We haven’t noticed them yet Wayne?.

He meddled with educational clusters in the West to develop an ‘I know best one system for one County’ model and has pulled down the Tory votes of many of his colleagues from Prudhoe and Wylam in the east right along to the North Pennine wards in the West. The strong team of protesters known as ‘STARS’ will never forgive his interference and we know Peter Jackson won’t.

His reinvention of Post 16 travel arrangements has increased each year since its reintroduction and if taken on Months used considering the lockdown period is now much more costly to the ratepayer than in 2014 when Tory Government budget cuts forced a rethink of cost onto the last Labour administration to save services and jobs.

But his biggest mess so far is Hexham High School and its runaway costs to be covered by the County Council and it’s a school they are not involved with at all, its an academy, the estimate so far is over £4m in the red and expectant Council schools such as Astley and Holywell Primary will be losers as the Daley dosh drifts away into the pockets of his Contractors.

We could list much more but we need to get back to the last stand element.

Daley, the Labour Party and a group of well meaning independents may get away with ousting Peter Jackson from office on Wednesday 3rd September 2020, but we would like to show how it might not pan out that way.

Peter Jackson and his prime allies the bedevilled Cllr Richard Wearmouth and the shadow lurking Jack Alexander Gebhart will still be sitting on the Conservative Parties regional committee, with the newly promoted to Cabinet in Daleys place Guy Renner Thompson, Barry Flux and the now infamous Kath Homer backing them up from their exalted Conservative Association standings in Northumberland. From those positions they will be undertaking the selections for Council candidates for next years local government elections.

Will the names of the Cramlington three go into the hat, Swinburn, Dunbar and Daley, or not?

Custer ring a bell here?


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