Conservative led Northumberland County Council has raised its council tax by the maximum allowed, 4.99% yet again after a series of massive hikes every year since 2017.
It’s a Council which has been rewarded this year by the Labour Government in office with a £42m increase in funding even though it has been ruined by nimbyism, scandal, bullying accusations from a former Chief Executive Officer, was investigated by its own Government who drafted Max Caller their troubleshooter in to resolve issues, during its period of administration it also lost a internationally acclaimed audit company after pushing forward with alleged false reports through its committees and have issued promises after promises which they haven’t even bothered to deliver on at all and we are now weeks short of eight years in being spun by Tories in office.
Following well publicised promises from the Leader of Council to slash the number of higher paid officers, this years budget papers showed the Council has had a massive jump in highly paid people.The budget leant towards the 2023/2024 unaudited accounts showing that the Council is paying its chief executive £208,000 a year with 13 officer posts paid over £100,000 per year and 650 paid between £50,000 and £150,000 thats a jump of 133 highly paid officers during the last financial year with residents complaining about the lack of service delivery in all quarters of the Council.
Residents right across the County have been complaining about the various spending patterns of the Council with inequality everywhere. Areas such as Prudhoe who were promised a myriad of improvements from its leading ex-cop Tory councillor which haven’t been delivered, yet a few miles away in the Millionaire belt of Stocksfield the County Council took retired multi millionaires out for lunch, considered a disgrace by many in a county with thousands reliant on food banks across the South East of the County where in 3% of the area 53% of the Counties population live, many on the breadline. With the Council’s privatisation of its leisure services taking once affordable activities out of the reach of most of its population.
Favouritism for some areas has outshone poorer areas by three to one except in the poverty stricken Town of Blyth where those same Tories working with their own Government promised 8000 jobs would be created to improve the whole of South East Northumberland. Sites were cleared by private investors only to find that the cash didn’t arrive via the Council from its own Government so as an improvement they decided to build a cinema/ conservative culture centre and pull down the Towns shopping centre, causing blight in the County’s largest Town, an unforgivable act.
But the galling thing for most residents is that the Council has issued its papers for its budget emphasising their need to deliver value for money a target they haven’t met over the last seven years and if VfM consultants actually spoke to people across a number of the Counties urban and market towns they would find that road closures on an ever ongoing basis, street weeds, litter, dog dirt and fly tipping, housing issues including homelessness and overcrowding along with a dodgy change of policy to mask the true numbers requiring help to improve their lives are prevalent reasons why people feel VfM is miles from being attained yet the Conservative back patting over fixing a few potholes near farm gates and rural roads is a reason that they have achieved their target.
Heaven help us!
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