Wednesday, 12 February 2025

A reminder of how Blyth fell to bits under a Tory County Council


 ‘Blyth Matters’ It's time we called out the gentrifying town planners and remind them that we (the town's residents) don't want a flash market square with the rest of Blyth becoming a ghost town?

As a well established blog group we codgers have always believed we should not name contributors on other sites but sometimes we need to guide readers towards other opinions to garner support for other causes than the Murky.

Blyth, for our international readers, is being stripped of its Commercial Heart by a Tory County Council in the name of ‘LEVELLING UP’. using cash set aside by Government to keep Conservative MP’s in Red Wall areas in the local limelight coupled with the economic crash driving many towards poverty in a Town with some of the highest deprivation levels in England pre Liz-Truss.

The Article we will reproduce here is from a Top contributor on the Blyth Matters facebook site:

Is it me  or has our Council been going around with rose tinted glasses on.

Investing money in another way to destroy Blyth market place.

Millions (being spent) on so called beautifying the town centre whilst driving out the last of the market traders.

More Traders were turning up over the last year finally giving Blyth another chance only to be sold out by a blind council full of planners with big ideas but deaf to the people.

Yes we’ll have a beautiful market square but it will be surrounded by empty derelict shops.

Wilko’s are gone, bargain buys and Argos gave up with Blyth.

I drove down Waterloo road Saturday and can only say that I’ve seen better Sundays.

The Council are leaving it to individuals to invest in our future like Gordons cafe, Pretty Shabby and the new owners of Dollys.

The only other investors are greedy landlords who are doubling the shop rents as they can use them as tax breaks when they are empty to cover their property portfolios in the south.

Even the old Spartans club has been left to rot  as a tax dodge by its midlands owners.

It's time we called out these so-called gentrifying town planners and reminded them that we don’t want a flash market square with the rest of Blyth becoming a ghost town.

I have been pushing for a Christmas market celebration with entertainment and a Santa with goodies for those struggling this year.

I was shot down in favour of market gentrification.

We need to organise a more powerful chamber of trade who will work with other Blyth groups to save our town.

Top Contributor (TC), got most things right and the anti-Northumberland County Council feeling is growing rapidly in the town as the work commences on the market place, following the announcement that the Conservatives who set out to support their red wall MP in the Town now own the Keel Row shopping centre and want to close it and demolish it. That news has gone down like a lead balloon right across Blyth and in its place Blyth will be left with a Community Cinema and Conservative Culture Centre just as people can't afford to go out as the Conservatives economic shambles bites really hard in Towns like Blyth.

TC also understands that market trading is growing for the first time in many years, which is correct according to the trade press, as small traders abandon shops with massive business rates bills to work less days for the same returns on a market stall.

What TC didn’t get right was that his idea of an xmas celebration and a santa giving out presents to children already takes place in Blyth sponsored by the Labour led Town Council who have nothing at all to do with the carry on that's destroying Blyth Town Centre and even less to do with Town Planning.

But both Blyth matters and the Murky codgers have noted that the Town Centre is to be bypassed by traffic in the run up to xmas for 17 weeks from October 2nd, whoopee the tories will have Blyth on its knees even before their culture centre gets a top Tory Councillor to open it now that their red wall MP is no longer standing in the Town of Blyth. 

He has opted instead to run in Cramlington with Killingworth as his Government has abandoned Blyth and have decided to back a battery plant in Somerset Instead of Cambois with a £500m grant, but of Course Rishi Sunak’s billionaire mother in law was a top engineer for TATA and his father in law is a huge investor. But numbers crunched by Electoral Calculus suggest the new Cramlington and Killingworth constituency would have been won by Labour in 2019, even on the party’s then historically poor showing. And as for the present polling, the site suggests Ian Levy MP has a 96 percent chance of losing his place in parliament at the next election. 

Neither could the Conservatives find any takers for new offshore wind farms at their latest open auction last month, slowing Blyth’s growth in that marketplace.

They have not agreed amongst themselves in parliament to invest in a better power grid structure and the lack of vision and direction is stopping homes, new solar farms and onshore wind connections from happening and it's been reported that there may be an eight year wait for those connections including the huge solar farm planned near Blyth’s golf course.

The need for a new Town Centre hotel to house offshore contractors seems to have ebbed away towards the direction of a tourist hotel at South Beach with its proposed new dual carriageway from the beach into the centre of Cramlington bypassing Blyth Town Centre in favour of Manor Walks

We're sure Blyth Matters may have something to say as conservative policy from both Westminster and Morpeth appears to favour other Towns than the largest in Northumberland, Blyth!

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