Friday, 10 June 2022

Honesty and Integrity The people expect it.


Where’s Northumberland’s Resignations.

With people still disgruntled through the actions of the National Tory Party and its Leadership, Northumberland Tories in full public view ran out the report on the disgraceful happenings and core-rot of their County County Council since 2017.

Between the leading cabinet group and officers who opposed them they have destroyed a Council which Baroness Jane Scott, the Conservative Leader of Wiltshire County Council praised when Labour was in power following a Local Government Association ‘Peer review’ during 2014/15 financial year.

A report released this week shows how far down the ladder of shame the Council has slipped under the Tories since 2017 but the real problem isn't just the incredibly disgraceful behaviour of Top Councillors is that those Top Councillors did nothing about it.

Doing nothing about it is shameful as the current leader, Cllr Glen Sanderson JP - is the Local Government Association’s Regional Lead Peer for the East Midlands, North East and Yorkshire & Humber.

Regional Peer’s travel around Councils at great expense to the ratepayer instructing Councils how to get better, putting together improvement plans to guide them through the maze of problems that can beset Councils and when characters destroy the necessary links and working relationships between Officers of the Council and elected members, their reports are used to support Government in forcing Councils to remove those problems.

Being a member of the ‘Secret Cabinet’ of Northumberland County Council since may 2017 Councillor Sanderson simply sat back and watched as other members of the Cabinet acted shockingly and he did nothing about it. He then became Leader of Council following the former leader Councillor Peter Jackson being ousted by a coalition of rebel Conservatives, Labour Councillors and the Independent Group, Councillor Sanderson voted to retain Cllr Jackson in Office whilst fully aware of his antics and support for dreadful behaviour by others.

Things began to get much worse with one Councillor, Sanderson’s Deputy, Councillor Wearmouth abusing his power by reporting opposition Councils to the standards board when their opinion differed slightly with his.

Councillor Sanderson whose six year reign on the Secret one party Cabinet included three of those as Portfolio Holder for Local Services and coincided with the stoppage of key and local performance indicator information being issued to Councillors whose job it is to scrutinise his and other portfolio holders actions and when scrutineers asked questions they were either yelled at or reported to the standards board for questioning the Glorious Tories, and were sure that as a top very well paid peer for the Local Government Association, Councillor Sanderson preaches exactly the opposite before counting the bags of gold handed over to him for his supposedly sound advice.

But the nasty party members of the leading Tory Group carry on regardless striking fear into opposition members and Conservatives who hate the lies told about their activities by the Tories and whatever Max Caller the latest person attempting to resolve some of the issues the Council has adopted as its norm says, opposition members on the Council will not relish working with nasties who walk hand in glove with people like Boris Johnson and the devil whose scruples are so rotten that they can’t even picture what good behaviour looks like.

Councillors Sanderson and Wearmouth must now consider their futures and as one who knows better, Sanderson, who has turned a blind eye to Wearmouth’s activities should resign and Wearmouth should follow him out of the door.

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