Wednesday 22 June 2022

Exactly as we suspect, Max Caller can’t stop the bullying at County Hall


The link below illustrates perfectly the problems Max Caller the Government’s investigator into all that's wrong in Local Government won’t be able to correct in Northumberland County Council.

We have reported on several occasions regarding the antics of Councillor Wearmouth who reports opposition Councillors to the standards board if their opinion differs from his high and mighty impression of himself.

We suspect that at this moment in time he is beavering away at his laptop conjuring up magnificent words to upset and displace the confidence of a Councillor he has conned and wronged in the past as her opinion on Council owned companies differs from his. (many of those companies were set up by Councillor Wearmouth in his own image).

Independent Councillor Hill’s opinion of Councillor Wearmouth’s council owned arms length ADVANCE Northumberland differs from his. In the past 2017-21 Councillor Hill sat at the right hand of Northumberland Tories and managed the chair of the Council's audit committee. In that role she oversaw and fulfilled much of the agenda Councillor Wearmouth created then suddenly in 2021 he ditched her and as a strong woman scorned, her true thoughts will out and she has become a thorn in the side of Councillor Wearmouths deplorable spin machine.

We’re sure we will hear more from the septic sore this spat has opened up and we here at Murky will ensure you hear all about it!

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The ‘Bitter End’ is not just nigh it's NOW!

  At  some  point  people  were  bound  to  ask ‘ who  is  Richard  Wearmouth?  and  at  this  moment  in  time  they  are  right  to  ask. ...