Saturday, 5 February 2022

Well fancy that? Tories grasping at straws to make up a jackanory!


With poverty and deprivation at all levels being the fastest growing industry in Northumberland's second largest Town, Cramlington, we noticed a news article from the Tories splinter group praising a projected £50,000  highways maintenance scheme for their Town.

The Conservatives at war in Northumberland have through this bdaily item shed a light on the size of the split in their ranks with the current losing side,  the Cramlington Conservatives, being the losers in a spending review by their colleagues at County Hall in Morpeth planning to take the borrowing requirement for the County over £1bn with an additional capital borrowing requirement of £307m headlined in this year's budget.

We have seen promises to deliver a £50,000 maintenance spend from the current Leader of the Conservatives Councillor Sanderson a former Castle Morpeth councillor before, with his announcement that £50k would be spent repairing the surface of the ranch car park, in Seaton Valley close to theTown of Byth.

Hundreds if not thousands of local drivers and families have seen what sort of neglect a £50k spend can produce with a simple spread of broken pebbles and stones being slung in the car park's famous potholes that lasted no more than a few weeks.

So many hearing of this proposed spend have likened it to Councillor Sandersons previous attempt at upsetting his rivals as the ranch car park sits in the ward of Hartley previously held by the former Labour Leader Susan Dungworth so they are waiting with baited breath to see what his biggest enemies, those within his party from Cramlington will get for £50k, were betting on enlarged potholes and massive embarrassment for those carrying the bottles of the blue social stain around the second largest Town in Northumberland.

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