Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Tribunal awards £2m to a claimant for victimisation and sex discrimination so what will 'bullygate' cost Northumberland ratepayers?


As the leading Conservatives on Northumberland county council  move ever closer towards having to face up to a Court's opinion on the well publicised bullying, victimisation and discriminatory actions against its Chief Executive officer, Mrs Daljit Lally MBE.

The recent ruling and award fell against the bank BNP Paribas with the claimant suffering similar actions against them as those rumoured to have been suffered by Mrs Lally. Unlike the Council, we were unable to find any available script that BNP Paribas had been involved as heavily as Northumberland county council in other huge compensation payments to its officers either in court or via massive compromise agreements also known as gagging clauses.

 Paying off and/or removing those not liked by Northumberland Conservative Councillors has already cost the Council taxpayers estimated sums running into several £millions and to the demise from office of its top Councillor and leader Peter Jackson who was booted out by a combination of opposition Councillors and a splinter group of his own members who were upset that the early actions of 'bullygate' and its consequences had fallen at their door.

 But the remainder of the mob which runs the Council have been unable to hide their activities and deeply ingrained feelings for long, leading to the current situation facing them and the Council having to defend itself against the boss of itself, a really incidious position for a public body to find itself in.

 But the big question for ratepayers, who can only watch this pathetic rabble making a mess of what should be an honour to serve the public by being a Councillor and turning the Authority into a workplace to be feared, is, if the tribunal is won by Mrs Lally, will the Council countersue the bullies to ensure the public doesn't suffer any further loss?.

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