Monday, 3 May 2021

Real Murky very pleased to Collaborate with our ‘County Cousin’.


Sensational top nine deliberate disgraceful acts from Northumberland Conservatives. Real will try to enhance that list to help people make up their minds on May 6th.

Reproduction of Northumberland Murky Blogspots excellent expose: our enhancements to that list sit from 10 onwards:-

 Northumberland Murky Blogspot


 Labour, highlighting Tory sleaze.

Who would have thought 4 years ago, that Labour were in a position to call the other side out !?

But the Tory Morpeth Mafia have outdone anything which has gone on before

This is the Tories at Northumberland County Hall charge sheet (you won't see this on any of their leaflets !)

 1 . Unlawfully tried to sack Chief Executive

 2. Unlawfully suspended Chief Executive

 3. Tried to remove and silence Chief Executive after she raised concerns about a potential bias over a personal relationship within the Cabinet and about Advance Northumberland (all such concerns, subsequently completely vindicated) *in favour of the Chief Executive.

 4. Tried to interfere with the resulting complaint and investigation processes and get "Morpeth Mafia" members on the Staffing Committee.

 5. Continuing to run Advance Northumberland in an appalling way and denying that there are any problems.

 6. Tried to use Covid funding, then money allocated for adult social care, for Advance

 Northumberland's mistake - leaving taxpayers with a huge liability of up to £8 million.

 7. Interference continued with ongoing processes despite being warned it was highly

 Inappropriate (QC's findings).

 8. Bombarding staff with correspondence and generally running a campaign of intimidation, meaning special measures had to be implemented to protect the staff.

 9. Putting, and keeping, a Cabinet Member in place in charge of Finance who owed the Council £31 ,000 and who declared another company bankrupt after the Council issued court proceedings to recover monies owed to it by this company.

10. Fours years after removing the Councils prime planning document from inspection after telling the public a new plan would be delivered in three months no new acceptable document has been cleared by Government. Developers can build anywhere and have done so since 2017.

11. Spent untold £millions on a building scheme at County Hall in Morpeth that is running into year five.

12. Allowing parking charges to creep back in. £7 to park all day in Bamburgh will kill off tourism from Tyneside and rising parking charges in Country Parks is a huge tax on local dog walkers. But the icing on the cake for the Tories is that they have now deserted businesses in Corbridge by hiking up parking costs for shoppers.

13. Apart from spreading a little bit of grit and second hand tamac clippings spread on the Ranch car park the Tories have done nothing for Seaton Valley at all.

14. The Tories lied about reopening the AB&T Northumberland rail line to passengers. The Government pledged £34M but now want that amount slashed. Labours North of Tyne Mayor told the truth that the project will need an extra £126M to get up and running.

15. Have left a huge first world war ‘hole’ in the centre of Ashington.

16. Canceled the Pipers Place project in Bedlington and left their second ‘Hole’ visible to all.

17. Dumped loads of new development in Amble Pegswood, Ashington and Cramlington to use up their housing numbers to keep their ‘moblands’ clear of complaints.

18. Apart from rhetoric, delivered no promised improvements in Blyth Town Centre.

19. Haven’t built a new Council house in four years but allowed the indiscriminate development of Homes of Multiple Occupancy in and around Blyth Town Centre driving up the fear of crime for residents.

20. Slashed the overall Council workforce numbers and rely on Parish Councils handouts to get services you pay highly for through Council Tax delivered.

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Our Council has raised tax by 4.99% and you won’t believe what they are spending your money on?

Conservative led Northumberland County Council has raised its council tax by the maximum allowed, 4.99% yet again after a series of massive ...