Wednesday 26 May 2021

Bowes Street Blyth, a story to be milked for twelve months at least.

We have all seen the MP for Blyth Valley grasping any news he can from all parts of Blyth Valley and it doesn’t matter how small that is.

In last weeks News Post Leader he was seen standing with one of the last cabinet members of Northumberland County Hall and current chairman of Advance Northumberland Councillor Richard Wearmouth about the start of a Government backed and Blyth Town Council financed project to allow on street free parking on Bowes Street in Blyth to help increase business activity in a much forgotten part of the town.

As also reported in the NPL the project will not actually take place until 2022 so you may ask why the rush to get a story out in an MP’s name as early as possible?

For those who don’t know the  Government are about to change the boundaries in 2023 prior to the next scheduled General Election with Blyth Valley being killed off, moving Cramlington where the largest numbers of Conservative supporters live, making it the largest Town in the Hexham Constituency, which we expect will be renamed Cramlington with Hexham and amalgamate Blyth, Bedlington, Seaton Valley, Ashington and Newbiggin by the Sea together and the current Conservative MP for Blyth is expected to have to fight this seat.

As we have reported in the Murky on a number of occasions Northumberland Conservatives have an unwritten but very obvious policy of delivering as little as possible in South-East Northumberland whilst making wild claims about how brilliant this will be in the year dot. But they have been forced into a corner with this very minor by County Council levels, project to improve the Town of Blyth a little bit, they have started a project that should only take a few weeks in order that their beleaguered MP can milk the story for a year at least before its finished we expect just before the 2023 boundary changes. Hoping no one will notice.

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The ‘Bitter End’ is not just nigh it's NOW!

  At  some  point  people  were  bound  to  ask ‘ who  is  Richard  Wearmouth?  and  at  this  moment  in  time  they  are  right  to  ask. ...