Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Bowes Street Blyth, a story to be milked for twelve months at least.

We have all seen the MP for Blyth Valley grasping any news he can from all parts of Blyth Valley and it doesn’t matter how small that is.

In last weeks News Post Leader he was seen standing with one of the last cabinet members of Northumberland County Hall and current chairman of Advance Northumberland Councillor Richard Wearmouth about the start of a Government backed and Blyth Town Council financed project to allow on street free parking on Bowes Street in Blyth to help increase business activity in a much forgotten part of the town.

As also reported in the NPL the project will not actually take place until 2022 so you may ask why the rush to get a story out in an MP’s name as early as possible?

For those who don’t know the  Government are about to change the boundaries in 2023 prior to the next scheduled General Election with Blyth Valley being killed off, moving Cramlington where the largest numbers of Conservative supporters live, making it the largest Town in the Hexham Constituency, which we expect will be renamed Cramlington with Hexham and amalgamate Blyth, Bedlington, Seaton Valley, Ashington and Newbiggin by the Sea together and the current Conservative MP for Blyth is expected to have to fight this seat.

As we have reported in the Murky on a number of occasions Northumberland Conservatives have an unwritten but very obvious policy of delivering as little as possible in South-East Northumberland whilst making wild claims about how brilliant this will be in the year dot. But they have been forced into a corner with this very minor by County Council levels, project to improve the Town of Blyth a little bit, they have started a project that should only take a few weeks in order that their beleaguered MP can milk the story for a year at least before its finished we expect just before the 2023 boundary changes. Hoping no one will notice.

Saturday, 22 May 2021

Rising Star makes ‘Great Escape’ from County Hall.


Juliemma McLoughlin the top officer brought in to oversee the regeneration of the County of Northumberland and bring the truth back to the Officer-Core regarding the investigations into Advance Northumberland managed to ride her motorcycle over the barbed wire at County Hall in Morpeth.


Your reporting team here at Murky missed the event due to being involved with the local government elections across the Tyneside Conurbation, Northumberland and Durham so we have had to harvest this information second hand.


Independent witnesses who saw her break for freedom noticed she was wearing the badge of Northumberland officership, two fingers rampant painted onto her leather jacket.


Juliemma’escape was hatched amid the dark bully controlled cells in the building site which is Northumberland County Hall and her run and eventual escape back to the anonymity of top job in London has left hole in the regen. plans of the County with her excellent history of working on London based schemes for the Mayors office for many years which we believe included well developed rail and underground experience which the current Tory mob from Morpeth need by the tractor load.


We hear that they wish to replace her with someone from ARCH/ADVANCE who will have to shake the cobwebs of four years of inactivity from their bodies before facing up to the mammoth task ahead of regeneration with hearts to simply conserve holding the purse strings.


At Murky we hate the bullying particularly of women but with the County Council having number of top quality female officers on their books what will their future be. hope they can all ride motorcycle like Juliemma but we have heard that Alnwick Councillor Gordon Castle is running escapee training sessions at Eshott airfield.



Tuesday, 18 May 2021

More Tales from Colander hall!

As the Council and the weight of baggage it has harvested over the last four years stumbles towards an AGM to be held in a posh hotel. An AGM which will expose the who and what will make up the corporate plan and lack of vision of the Council for the next four years, we thought we would take a look at the ‘Leaks’ from those who will man up Colander Hall on the outskirts of Morpeth when the building work is complete posibly sometime around 2024.

Rumour 1

CIG Group, Conservative and Independent Group is planned by the Morpeth Mafia to look after those in the powerhouse if its Cramlington contingent get twitchy when the much talked about staff sackings and personal legal liabilities gain momentum and begin to drain the energy from the core of the Council. It is being spread that for the extra dosh in the pocket from CIG membership via chairmanship or outside body or two the Greens and Tory Independents from Bedlington have been on their knees before the altar of mammon at Eshott to be bunged in. We know the LibDems took longer contract than four years last time so are already locked in to cover off the Cramlington Conservatives numbers if the inevitable happens.

Rumour 2

The Tories are spending already on advice to on how to disconnect the public from politics and become more STAZI like in their secrecy. Cabinets are to make as many decisions as possible in Part of due process and banish the press to the rumour mill. 

In order that the public can’t call them to account the Conservatives are going to use the short Government statement on Standards Board existence to rid themselves of the accountability of their actions, All local authorities (other than parish and town councils) must have procedures in place to deal with complaints about member conduct. ... Complaints may be about a councillor's conduct through their Monitoring Officer and may be heard by a Standards Committee. 

Complaints to well bullied Monitoring Officer will certainly fall on stony ground in the case of CIG members and with the Government’inclusion of ‘May’ in the local government acts it will lead to its well rumoured downfall.

Pure Silent Politics is the Morpeth Mob’latest target and along with the expected destruction of the Councils Audit Committee following the Chairperson finding she was being conned all along and selling lies not of her own making via the Committee, the silence will be almost deafening. Audit committees are not protected by law as described: Although legislation does not require audit committees, council is required “to ensure that its financial management is adequate and effective and that it has sound system of internal control which facilitates the effective exercise of its functions”. We believe that the term ‘Sound System’ in the local government acts will follow the Johnson Government ideals and become term rather like ‘roadmap’ and ‘traffic lights’ in order to cover over the lack of probity that will ensue.

Of course it could simply be (make me Knight) Glen Sanderson with loud hailer at posh hotel!

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Anne Marie and Guy must be concerned about their futures after ‘Pandown day’?

 The results are in and although Northumberland County Council has been won by the Tories with an overall majority of one following a bit of luck in draw of straws following a draw with the Labour Leader, Susan Dungworth. 

In Cramlington and in a similar vein to Durham, the Tories were able to still sell the ‘Momentum Effect’ to voters (although that failed experiment died with the change of Leadership of the Labour Party) the cross County Tories have struggled to get anywhere near the almost 18% poll advantage gifted to them through wall to wall TV coverage for a full year with their PM sat in your living rooms at every TV news time and just as your settling down for your tea.

Tory blanket media coverage of ‘how good are we’ was not reflected across large swathes of the County losing seats to Labour, Independents and the Greens with a peek at the resurgence of the Lib Dems in Berwick with Isobel Hunter making a comeback and her style of working with the press in the North will cement her parties presence in prior to 2015.

 Labour lost seats in Cramlington to the Independents and the Tories who also gained in Blyth but not with the clear difference their national team had placed them in. 

After May 17th, ‘Pandown day’ the world will begin to spin the other way and Sir Keir Starmer will be able to get some traction and link his ‘family voters’ plan,

designed to support the modern workforce made up of workers engaged by small firms, white van women and men and self employed modern businesses, including the IT world, builders and craft workers from all family backgrounds into the Labour vision for the future. Brilliant policy planning he couldn’t get his shadow Chancellor Anneliese Dodds to sell to the nation and her replacement, Rachel Reeves will see this seismic shift in Labour thinking gel with Families over the next two years as the Tories race to call a General election before Austerity 2 and tax increases to pay for the pandemic begin to damage their standing across Britain.

 The shock of not wiping out the opposition will not be lost on Tory Central Office and both AM Trevelyan MP and Guy Opperman must be asking questions of their teams dedication to their own positions, in fact the Tories long term nonsen seat County Hall is still not settled and their choice of ‘Leak’ or as a farmer it may be ‘Leek’, Sanderson as their Leader will quickly flatten the scene for this very divided Tory group at County Hall and the ‘Advance Northumberland’ effect will drag them through the mire as the current chosen Tory Group Deputy,

Richard Wearmouth begins to ensure his management of that company is kept secret. We're sure the sieve machine will allow the truth to leak out and you the readers of this and other blogs will enjoy sorting the ingredients from the Tories' recipe for disaster!

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Where do:Ian Levy MP, Guy Opperman MP and Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP sit on this very damaging Central Policy Change?


PM Johnson’s care plans will 'disproportionately 'benefit the wealthy in Darras Hall and Cleadon whilst attacking homeowners in Blyth Valley, Berwick,Wansbeck and Wallsend!

A report in the mainstream press claims that one of the reasons for the Government's delay in announcing its plans for the reform of social care is a Whitehall row over the Prime Minister's preferred option, which internal modelling shows could "disproportionately" benefit the wealthy. 

 Both Conservative MPs and Treasury officials, the papers report, have raised fears that regional variations in property prices could mean residents in areas like the northern "Red Wall" seats may still have to sell their homes to cover the cost of care, while internal Department of Health and Social Care modelling last year found that people in the south east would see more financial benefit from the changes than those in the north east. 

The changes are solely linked to property values at your time of need.

These changes which will be run out straight after the current crop of elections are fully supported by Northumberland and North-East Tories as they benefit the residents of Darras Hall and Cleadon whilst damaging the future for residents of Prudhoe, Hartlepool, South-East Northumberland and the coastal and rural coalfield areas of the region.

We here at Murky believe this is why the Tories are fully supportive of the breakup of the Northumberland Care Trust partnership in September 2021 while otherNorth-East councils and MP’s are rallying against these draconian changes to safeguard the majority of their residents.


Sunday, 9 May 2021

Labour Retain one of the Uk’s largest Parish Councils!

Panic stations from Northumberland Conservatives at the Counties Parish election count in Blyth today.


Blyth Town Council one of the largest parish councils in the UK and huge brick in the ‘Red Wall’ was expected like Northumberland County Council to fall into the hands of the Conservatives, but Blyth’population voted completely differently and Labour retained power in the Towns parish chamber which overlooks the very busy river Blyth. view that reflects on the rivers waters the heritage and hopes of this ex-industrial east coast town.


The Tories floated into the Count gloating from their Thursday night victory, led by the £8M Adult Care ratepayers cash loser, Councillor Richard Wearmouth which he used to wallpaper over his dodgy decision surrounding Advance Northumberland company he privatised only to find that in wards they won on Thursday had slipped from their grasp at Town Council level.


With 9-win for Labour + LibDems Councillor Wearmouth went apoplectic when he heard that both  former County Councillor Susan Davey and her husband former Leader of the County Council, Grant Davey had whacked out his County winning candidate in Kitty Brewster from sitting on the parish and Wearmouth  was demanded two recounts from officers to settle his score as both Labour Councillors had been extremely strong in their own special ways against the Tories at County Hall for the last 13 years and he didn’want his newby team to be frightened off politics at the first hurdle.


Neither Councillor Davey’were available to attend the count in person but when we spoke with them later they told us they weren’surprised at the Tories “Who were baying for blood against us.” “We will both certainly hold them to account as their attitude of all talk and no action for Blyth will be publicly questioned by us at every turn.”

‘EXPOSED’ Questions about legality of decision making as Northumberland Tories write of eligible applicants?

A recent freedom of information request on unnecessary losses by Northumberland Council Housing as it fails the public in supporting those i...