Friday, 26 March 2021

Potential MP for Hartlepool

Is about to release a book?

How to avoid your Council Tax and Business Rates in Northumberland Councillor by  Nick Oliver, the council's portfolio holder for corporate services, as well as cabinet secretary

He's an expert in this dodgy business as Northumberland County Council will confirm.

Foreword to Chapter 1)
Following the release on social media of a leaked reply to a complaint from Northumberland County Council’s legal department it has been stated even in Tory supporters messaging platforms that Councillor Nick Oliver of Corbridge is simply jumping ship to enter the race to become MP for Hartlepool in order to assist dodgy Conservatives everywhere into how to avoid both Council tax and business rates and still retain a highly paid job in public office.

The draft of his new book leaked on Tory comment blogs and pages, reads like the whats-what of dodgyness and typical of the top Tories in Northumberland who have tried their damndest to have the Council taken into special measures by Government in a similar manner to Liverpool City Council in order to sack their Chief Executive Officer  as they wallow in the hippo bath they have created for themselves. 

We are referring to a Chief Executive Officer of whom a committee of Council found no evidence that the Tories had a right to abuse, bully and fire and legal advice published in the press illustrated that if she sued the Tory led Council the costs to the public would be enormous.

We are not going to release the letter in all its glory as it was written to a resident of the County of Northumberland but we may over the next few weeks release extracts from the book draft as released by others and you will be able to see why the accusation of corruption in the leaked letter of complaint to Councillors from the professionally bullied CEO was justified.

Watch this space!

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