Sunday, 28 March 2021

Boris beginning to suffer the same problems as Jeremy Corbyn?


The 2019 general election was lost to Labour due to the constant anti-Labour right wing press who constantly forged links between the Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corrbyn and ultra left wing activists.

As in all cases of this nature the mud began to stick and as history shows the chance of bringing in a socialist government slipped away.

The winners were new Tories in ‘red walls seats in the North and Midlands. Many of those Tories, not all, were leading Local Government Councillors for the Tories and their loss to local Conservative branches and constituency parties has begun to place Boris Johnson well and truly in the same position Jeremy Corbyn found himself in.

The forthcoming local government elections on May 6th this year is said to be a test of the strength of Government but the reverse situation to 2019 has begun to be evidenced and middle ground voters are noticing the candidate quality being fielded by the Tories has reduced greatly and with their former planners and doers now sitting in Westminster Boris’s reputation is beginning to suffer.

Its noticeable that ex BNP, UKIP and in a number of case NF cluster operators have winkled their way into the Blue Oaktree Tory parties ranks and are standing as minor players at this stage as candidates in Unitary, Borough, County and Parish elections in many red wall constituencies.

If elected they will follow the line of the SNP in Scotland who’s guerilla tactics of the past are now quite famous and they will infiltrate local party branches and begin to force national change, shifting England to the Ultra Right.

Luckily voters have begun to be shocked by the dirty tactics being used by the ‘New Tories’ and have also accepted that Labour has shifted ground away from the problems of the past and its expected these elections will bring a happier future for people who will be more selective than ever and bypass the extremists being fielded by Boris who has lost all control over his troops on the ground.

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