Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Blyth Tory MP endorsing Local Government Candidates why do the other Tory MP's not do it?


Ian Levy’s breach of Parliamentary guidance shows how loose the MP Ian Levy is with the way he should conduct himself in public.

An MP is elected to represent everyone in his constituency not endorse his friends, family and cronies above all others.

We would like to know why he wants to promote his candidates outside of the rules? Is it the case that his candidates are unable to stand on their own two feet? Or do they think that by hiding behind the apron strings of an MP who is now famous for not helping his constituents and acts in the public arena like Parish Councillor will be good for their campaign?

Its our belief they are sadly wrong and now that the press has shown that the Tories in Northumberland are racist, corrupt and are involved with dodgy dealings on an industrial scale even standing in the shadows of an MP will not hide the stink that exudes from the pores of people who endorse the increase in food banks, the growth in unemployment the rapid rise in child poverty, the slashing of benefits and the ruination of the UK eco

When even the Sun newspaper has deserted the Tories as their readership has been slashed through the Tories mismanagement of the UK economy Government that is wholly reliant on the single thread of spin around the Health debate, then sitting in the shadows of an MP and not standing up to the full public scrutiny of your own campaign shows how cowardly these Tory candidates really are!

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Can Councillor Gordon Stewart lie straight in bed?

Gordon Stewart, the deputy business chair of the Council has placed some detail within his lastest leaflet pushed trough the doors in Prudhoe, Northumberland.

He is trying to change history, and for a man who is acused on social media of a major breach of Health and Safety law in the town of Prudhoe whislt trying to promote a fellow candidate who lost his job as a school caretaker for a similar breach of H&S rules then we know his claims are at least a bit dodgy.

Gordi as this selfie obsessed Tory Councillor like to be known is claiming to be the saviour, designer, promoter and organiser of the Eastwood Park project, crating a selfie portrait thats designed to deceive the voting public in Prudhoe.

THE REAL TRUTH is that during 2016 the then Councillor for the area Labour’s Tony Reid opened the conversation with his Group at County Hall to modernise the over 100yr old facility, build a new paviliion and begin a conversation with children on what equipment should be purchased to enhance the use this run down facility.

The basic scheme was put to the C
Working Group of the Council and attacked by Councillor Peter Jackson who sat on that committee on behalf of the Tories.

The working group agreed to set aside £95,000 to orgnaise the project and in early 2017 Councilor Tony Reid set aside £15,000 from his small schemes account to begin the conversation with children from local schools and bring in a play designer to help enhance the conversation.

On winning the election in May 2017 the Tories slashed the budget for the project as early as June 2017 to allow Gordi to start his Robin Hood campaign to save Eastwood Park.

He is still hiding behind that misnomer but he is really the Sheriff of Nottingham in diguise.

Gordi come clean to the public in Prudhoe, tell the truth and resign your seat, were sure there’s a first time for everything.


Sunday, 28 March 2021

Boris beginning to suffer the same problems as Jeremy Corbyn?


The 2019 general election was lost to Labour due to the constant anti-Labour right wing press who constantly forged links between the Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corrbyn and ultra left wing activists.

As in all cases of this nature the mud began to stick and as history shows the chance of bringing in a socialist government slipped away.

The winners were new Tories in ‘red walls seats in the North and Midlands. Many of those Tories, not all, were leading Local Government Councillors for the Tories and their loss to local Conservative branches and constituency parties has begun to place Boris Johnson well and truly in the same position Jeremy Corbyn found himself in.

The forthcoming local government elections on May 6th this year is said to be a test of the strength of Government but the reverse situation to 2019 has begun to be evidenced and middle ground voters are noticing the candidate quality being fielded by the Tories has reduced greatly and with their former planners and doers now sitting in Westminster Boris’s reputation is beginning to suffer.

Its noticeable that ex BNP, UKIP and in a number of case NF cluster operators have winkled their way into the Blue Oaktree Tory parties ranks and are standing as minor players at this stage as candidates in Unitary, Borough, County and Parish elections in many red wall constituencies.

If elected they will follow the line of the SNP in Scotland who’s guerilla tactics of the past are now quite famous and they will infiltrate local party branches and begin to force national change, shifting England to the Ultra Right.

Luckily voters have begun to be shocked by the dirty tactics being used by the ‘New Tories’ and have also accepted that Labour has shifted ground away from the problems of the past and its expected these elections will bring a happier future for people who will be more selective than ever and bypass the extremists being fielded by Boris who has lost all control over his troops on the ground.

Friday, 26 March 2021

Potential MP for Hartlepool

Is about to release a book?

How to avoid your Council Tax and Business Rates in Northumberland Councillor by  Nick Oliver, the council's portfolio holder for corporate services, as well as cabinet secretary

He's an expert in this dodgy business as Northumberland County Council will confirm.

Foreword to Chapter 1)
Following the release on social media of a leaked reply to a complaint from Northumberland County Council’s legal department it has been stated even in Tory supporters messaging platforms that Councillor Nick Oliver of Corbridge is simply jumping ship to enter the race to become MP for Hartlepool in order to assist dodgy Conservatives everywhere into how to avoid both Council tax and business rates and still retain a highly paid job in public office.

The draft of his new book leaked on Tory comment blogs and pages, reads like the whats-what of dodgyness and typical of the top Tories in Northumberland who have tried their damndest to have the Council taken into special measures by Government in a similar manner to Liverpool City Council in order to sack their Chief Executive Officer  as they wallow in the hippo bath they have created for themselves. 

We are referring to a Chief Executive Officer of whom a committee of Council found no evidence that the Tories had a right to abuse, bully and fire and legal advice published in the press illustrated that if she sued the Tory led Council the costs to the public would be enormous.

We are not going to release the letter in all its glory as it was written to a resident of the County of Northumberland but we may over the next few weeks release extracts from the book draft as released by others and you will be able to see why the accusation of corruption in the leaked letter of complaint to Councillors from the professionally bullied CEO was justified.

Watch this space!

‘EXPOSED’ Questions about legality of decision making as Northumberland Tories write of eligible applicants?

A recent freedom of information request on unnecessary losses by Northumberland Council Housing as it fails the public in supporting those i...