Saturday, 20 April 2019

Northumberland Tories in a Mess

The recent changes in the leadership of Northumberland Labour Group have exposed the flanks of the local Tories to a massive blow from which they won’t recover from before the next local government elections or the local North of Tyne mayoral elections for that matter.

Although given three months notice of the impending change of leadership in the Labour Party in Northumberland the Tories massive internal mess at all levels has left them unprepared and extremely ill equipped to manage and plan for change in their oppositions ranks.

Tories in Northumberland have used the constant attacks filled from a stream of degradation, that criminal acts had taken place in the company ARCH. Although they have known for over seven months that Northumbria Police had found no criminality at ARCH they shelved release of that report until they could put together a cover all web to state their false disbelief.

They used their ally the chair of the audit committee at the council to legitimise their plans, letting her expose what little reputation she has to public ridicule as she tried to spin out falsehoods centred on the fact that the Northumbria PCC is a Labour Party member, wrongly attacking the Chief Constable into the bargain.

Their crumbling empire, based on spin and accusations of bullying and truthlessness, has led to them not being able to recruit a local candidate for a by-election in Holywell Ward, and having to rely on the aging Sir John Hall to endorse their candidate for North of Tyne mayor as Cllr Peter Jackson and his team fight and fail to prove they aren’t disgraceful bullies at an industrial tribunal.

The local Labour Party’s new team isn’t tainted or even linked with ARCH, have already had their wider party supporters expose the extreme costs to the ratepayer of remaining in County Hall at Morpeth and are seeking a full investigation into the costs of audits and investigators who purport to be experts at ARCH and let the public know how much those costly decisions, along with the legal protection bills to cosset the current Tory Councillors through the legal minefield their rougery has got them into has been ripped from services the Council Taxpayers expect to be delivered on their behalf.

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