Monday, 22 April 2019


Over the Easter holidays it was noticeable that the hot weather led most Tories to dine at barbecues with lashings of grog.

The murkiest team of all were at lidl’s best from the moment the firelighters were thrown on and the charcoal tipped on top.

After a while the chatter turned to whom they thought was responsible for giving them as good as they have dished out for several years.

As they slurped and gassed it was decided that the former leader of the Labour Group and the Clerk of Berwick Town Council and their spin doctor, witness C, were responsible for some of the anti-tory truths that have been issued in response to their Murky Blogspot on Council servers and that the whole package was put together by Grant Davey when he was leader of Blyth Valley Council shows how strong and how much damage white lightning mixed with lidl larger can do to one's mind.

Their blame game rant shows that the Morpeth %&£ ring leader, the cuddly boys and their northern chick have actually lost the plot and expect to con all of the people all of the time, when in reality they have gone out on the airwaves with spin that shows they were too blasted to check that Grant Davey never held the post of Leader at Blyth Valley., or for reference, I would hope has no access to County servers from a domestic dwelling in the Town of Blyth and for security reasons only known to the current ‘secret council’ in Morpeth, neither has Northumberlands Parish Councils.

Keep trying team, but try to get at least one of your facts correct or just pack it in and accept Labour are coming back stronger than ever.

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