Monday, 17 September 2018

Who will be the next Tory leader of Northumberland County Council?

 The Tories told you there would be no legal action - Guess what - another lie from the Cllr for the Isle of Man, Jackson 

High Court of Justice - Business & Property Courts of England & Wales

Claim - PT-2018-000676. 

Same old Tories some people say but that is not true. It's not just Tories that have managed to bring Northumberland County Council to its knees, it's a good old fashioned conspiracy involving the CEO Mrs Lally, Bedlington Independents, the 'unhinged Chair of Audit' Cllr Hill aka 'The Hill tells Lies' and the current leader (of Greenshields Agri) Jackson, the Cabinet member for getting rid of the core strategy, Riddle and the slew of Cllrs representing Ponteland. 

Now the legal action has started and various external agencies are gearing up independent investigations into the questionable actions by the council and a small group of Tory malcontents who have led NCC to the precipice, it seems like an appropriate time to highlight the elephant in the room. 

Who will take over from Jackson and his co-defendants when he is forced to resign? Will the NHS welcome Lally back against the backdrop of a culture of bullying and intimidation the council under her leadership? It's probably easier to highlight those who haven't (as far as we know) engaged in a concerted effort to break the law and waste millions of pounds of council tax payers money. 

The obvious runners and riders who will have to clear up the mess after the 'walls come tumbling down' are 

1.      Glen Sanderson - he's ensured he's been nowhere near the 'witchunts' and although he too voted to withdraw the core strategy last year, we're sure he'll claim that Jackson withheld the legal advice from him too. 

2.      Wayne Daley - he's already started but his transparent move to undermine Hexham's MP over the Bright Tribe fiasco and his 'honest emails' which admit that the Arch investigation 'was just politics' will come back to haunt him. He's also known to crack under pressure and make rash decisions. 

3.      Kath Homer - another safe pair of hands in the Sanderson mould but her 'dodgy investigation' into Active Northumberland undertaken by Engage-n-Change, the so called 'independent consultants' leave open the question why did she pay £26,600 to a director of Arch. But unlike Nick Oliver, the twice bankrupt 'entrepreneur' who is in so deep with the 'witchunt', Kath Homer is only tainted up to the elbow. 

4.      David Bawn - desperately trying to make himself acceptable (see Nick Oliver) to Jackson and if you seen his performance at Full Council, you will see why he couldn't be a leader. A solicitor who puts the solicit in solicitor. 

5.      Tricky Dicky Wearmouth - Two words make him a dodgy choice. Energy Central. He's also overseen a highly partisan investigation into Arch along with his co-pilot in Audit Cllr Hill. Another area where the 'walls are coming tumbling down'. 

Get ready for by-elections galore and fake independents who are propping up Tory unlawful behaviour who will be making statements soon. 

The conspiracy is coming to an end dear resident but unfortunately for you, it will be a dear cost. It could mean bankruptcy which would mean third time unlucky for Nick Oliver, the hapless and lawless 'fall guy'. He's seen two companies go bankrupt now he's going for the hattrick with Northumberland County Council. 

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