Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Northumberland County Council is facing a bullying epidemic ………… and it starts at the TOP

In May 2017, Peter Jackson and his Tory gang formed a council administration with the help of 3 Bedlington 'Independents' and a pale Tory reject from Berwick. 

From day one, the rules, norms and laws of local government and indeed, the law have gone out the window. Smear has been the order of the day and pressure is regularly placed on officers by senior administration appointments, from both the private and public sector. Under the Tories and led by Jackson, we're seeing the creeping takeover of Northumberland County Council by the culture of 'secondment' from Northumbria Health Care Trust. The CEO is a healthcare 'secondment', working 2 days for the council, the CEO of Arch is a healthcare 'secondment' whose appointment was rushed through in order to start the ball rolling with Richard Wearmouth, the man who seems to have a lot of interests in energy, in the asset stripping of Arch. The Arch witchunt has provided cover for £millions of pounds of taxpayers money being thrown into a hole in Ashington. 

Now for the meat of this story and very shocking it is. Residents of the county should ask themselves if what's happening in their name is acceptable to them. If the answer is yes, residents need to take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror. Indeed, anyone who thinks bullying is acceptable in any circumstance should review their world view. 

Allegations of systemic bullying have bubbled around this administration and senior Tories and officers since almost day one. The allegations have been covered up and withheld from public view, all with the connivance of senior officers. 

On day one, Jackson went after Steve Mason and within three weeks had agreed to pay him off with £417,000 of tax payers money. Why such a quick departure? By 10th May, 6 days after Jackson won an election, the council's most senior planning officer was told to 'find a way to stop a lawful planning application'. His professional and legal opinion said the council couldn't lawfully stop this planning application in Ponteland. It's the Dissington Garden Village development which borders on interests Cllr Jackson holds. The senior planner left his job in the council after months of allegedly unlawful pressure to recommend stopping the DGV application.

He left with a settlement agreement which cost the taxpayer a further five figure sum. The council is now being sued for near £10m over allegations of bullying, intimidation and corruption with Jackson, Riddle and CEO Daljit Lally (who also works in the NHS) all in the dock as defendants. They all deny the charges but have so far provided not a shred of evidence to substantiate their protestations of innocence. In fact, a key document which is an investigation into...… wait for it.. cue drumroll.... bullying is being withheld from councillors and the public even when the councillors are being asked to provide taxpayers money to pay for the defence of the 'Dissington Three'. More taxpayers cash being poured down the drain. 

This week, a glance at Newcastle Employment Tribunal court lists sees a case heard on 28th Sept. It involves further allegations of bullying and intimidation which names The CEO, Mrs Lally and the head of HR, Kelly Angus who is another 'secondment' from Northumberland NHS. Mrs Angus is an interesting character who sits at the intersection of the bullying epidemic in Northumberland Council. More of that at another time though. There are at least two more Employment Tribunal cases heading for court and at least one of them names, the deadly duo - Jackson and Lally as defendants. Both involve more allegations of bullying. 

There are at least two private legal actions which both involve bullying allegations and shocking allegations of unlawful actions There are at least four other 'senior officers' both past and present considering legal actions against the council for.... bullying. 

There are a growing number of external investigations due to report soon and EY, the council's external auditors have identified 5 serious value for money risks relating to five policies introduced by Jackson and his gang. We wonder when he's going to add 'secondments from the NHS to those serious risks. 

So what have we got?? 

We have a high court action, county court actions, employment tribunals, investigations by the auditor, secret investigations by the council, all tied together by one disgraceful strand - BULLYING under this administration since May 2017. No doubt it will be all dismissed by Lord Haw Haw (Cllr Nick Oliver) as a conspiracy but ask yourself - can everyone be wrong and Jackson and his gang right? Remember we've seen no evidence to declare innocence and we've seen plenty of lies. 

This is why, in all seriousness, an independent investigation, conducted by an outside body into allegations of corruption, unlawful behaviour and actions and..... bullying. If this council, Jackson and his gang are against an independent investigation ask yourself why? What are they hiding? 

If you're answer is don't tackle the allegations of systemic bullying across the council then the mirror awaits you. 

Northumberland deserves better than this.    

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