Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Race to the bottom between Tories and Reform easily seen in Northumberland Councillors attitudes


With recent you tube videos showing top Tories singing racist songs, Musk and Farage nose to nose over how far to the right Reform must slide, we note we have the managers of financial ruin, top Tory Councillors in Northumberland denying the acceptance of diversity through their attempts to slash down newly proposed housing numbers.

The fear that newcomers may bring their habits with them if they settle in an area has been hardened in through the losing Tory in the recent Conservative leadership fight, Robert Jennrick, stating that refugees and asylum seekers from nations with archaic attitudes towards women should not be allowed to settle in Britain. With social media pilots asking who he is referring to with Ireland, Poland, Romania, India and Pakistan leading the numbers of migrants entering the UK. With both right wing parties vying to become the ‘New Nasties’ following the support shown by the worlds richest man Elon Musk for Tommy Robinson.

 Reform who have ran out stories that Northumberland will have to accept migrants in numbers so high that a new town larger than Ashington will have to be build to house them and that the Tory led County Council has designed policy to in Reform’s words “Cram them in” has led to further claims and counterclaims.

 The outturn is that Northumberland Tories who have allowed almost 1,600 homes built each and every year since 2017 mostly huge executive homes leaving many of its younger residents behind. They have now decided to slash their planned housing numbers down to 549 a figure professional planners indicate will not maintain housing losses leading to an ever diminishing population.

 This shameful Council has over 435 Council homes unlet awaiting repairs with over 650 families needing social housing through the low wage culture developed over the last 14 years of successive Tory Governments and their failed Brexit.

 Housing needs are now the responsibility of the North-east Mayor who will have to cope with the constant whining from Northumberland Conservatives whose prime interest appears to be to drive workers out of their County in order that ever more holiday lets can be developed from the skeleton villages they tell all they love and cherish.

 The Conservatives constant message of ‘Labour is concreting over your County’ is fallacy and needs to be investigated by the North-east Mayor as Northumberland is the least populated County in England with absentee holiday let owners complaining they can’t hire cleaners to maintain their businesses as there’s no social housing in the villages they are investing in.

The new housing numbers from Government need to be grabbed by the Council and an honest survey (not a council consultation) by an independent body such as the Kings Trust to correctly determine if people would like to live in ‘living communities’ or whether they would like to live in film sets without schools, without essential services and live in fear after dark? developing a xenophobic society in our countryside instead of neighbourly societies.





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Our Council has raised tax by 4.99% and you won’t believe what they are spending your money on?

Conservative led Northumberland County Council has raised its council tax by the maximum allowed, 4.99% yet again after a series of massive ...