Monday, 5 August 2024

Northumberland Tories shown up as hopeless financial managers.


Four days after a tv interview regarding the multi- million pound removal of waste matter from Lynemouth beach, the Tory leader of Northumberland County Council Glen Sanderson is soundly captured by the local press.

Standing near to the rubbish tipped on a former Castle Morpeth Council beach a Council Glen Sanderson was also in charge of,  he told the north east public when questioned regarding the cost of this project that Northumberland County Council could afford to undertake this job due to the financial prudence of his council.

The financial fiasco of Northumberland County Council has been in question since 2017 with a myriad of temporary and/ or absentee financial officers hired by the Tories who lost the services of an international auditor during their tenure and whose current external auditor is uncovering items that we codgers are sure that the Councils secret cabinet has brushed under the carpet.

But the latest matter that we’re sure his Tory group mates and secret cabinet colleagues would like to have his lips sewn together for is the recent exposure only four days after his prudence statement in sunny Lynemouth that the reopening of the Northumberland rail line to passenger services is going to cost £130 million more than the supposed prudent Tories had budgeted for.

That debt, and it is debt, will sit as a burden onto the back of residents in Northumberland for many years to come as even the self ego inflated prudent farmer Glen Sanderson who has hoisted England's highest Council Tax onto the residents of the County he controls doesn’t have £130m in the groups cash box sitting under his desk at the very expensive to run and almost empty County Hall in Morpeth.

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