Thursday 29 August 2024

Tories Two Tier Society? Closed books must be opened to expose the cruelty that destitution, poverty and small town thinking has poured onto poorer areas of Northumberland.


Lies, false dawns, ruined economy and not one thought about helping poorer people other than ‘let's build some cinemas’ is still throttling South East Northumberland and will do for quite some time.

During March 2024 the Guardian Newspaper printed 10 charts showing how disastrous the stagnant UK economy had become through the Conservative Government’mismanagement of the economy and the utter failure of levelling up has been for ordinary people.

Those same 10 charts can be applied to the County of Northumberland where unexposed secrets if accidently slipped out of the pursed lips of cabinet members are then covered off in the press with ‘weasel words’ from the slithering politicians in charge at County Hall whose Leader instead of apologizing for his Councils inability to deliver even ordinary services to deserving public and never being able to deliver Best Value using his own Government's measures since Labour were last in charge at County Hall in 2016/17, went out into the trade press recently to whinge about having bit of a bad profit year at his ranch deep in the fabulous Northumberland Countryside.

The local Conservatives ‘spin at all cost’ has been used to confuse and delay everything other than their destruction of the commercial heartland of the Town of Blyth and the spin to delay the Modernisation of Bedlington by blaming the new Government’lack of clarity over the release of Borderlands levelling up cash or improvement plans for the ‘Hole’ site at Ashington where they promised new cinema for the Town in February 2018 in order to stop the development of much smaller and much cheaper to run County Hall in Ashington in favour of spending £millions modernising the massive monolith of building in Morpeth where deprivation and poverty are used by Conservatives as expletives.

The public would like to see the ‘secret papers’ where the Borderlands partnership agreed to fund Bedlington’High Street or even the Cabinet Papers which illustrated that when the County Council was pouring cash into Hexham academy school and Pontelands equivalent where they expected to  find the cash to build second County sponsored Cinema in Ashington.

The serious spin from the Tories was also backed up by their Government MP’and the fiasco surrounding the creation of 8000 jobs centered on former Council owned site in Cambois through the Britvolt project kept local folk who wished to improve their lives through gaining access to high quality highly paid employment in South East Northumberland on string for five years. 

Then the County Council agreed to sell the site to power hungry data centre at fire sale price Data centers tend to be relatively low on employment. With the press stating typical headquarters, manufacturing, or shared service operations serving other industries can have between 200 and 1,000 jobs on site. By comparison, the number of jobs at typical data center can be anywhere between five and 30real kick in the teeth for local people with aspirations.

Instead of concentrating on delivering traditional services people want such as street cleaning, weed spraying, potholes, grass cutting, Council housing growth etc., the Council have ignored such matters as youth services while still concentrating on service that was ended by most Councils in November 2020 when Covid lockdown ended that of their communities together program, recently heavily criticised for feeding several millionaires from Riding Mill fish and chips while people in other areas are struggling and food bank use is growing out of all proportion.

That lack of  proportion from the Tories both locally and nationally was exposed just before the 2024 spring budget by Gordon Brown who said In 2010, predicted decade of austerity when we (Labour) left office. We have actually had decade and half of austerity.”

Brown says that “what motivated the Conservatives in 2010 was the idea of small state, to be achieved through austerity and debt reduction. But austerity did not work. Slow growth meant deficit targets were missed and the public finances suffered from chronic malaise. Productivity growth in the past 14 years has been the weakest since the Industrial Revolution”, the former prime minister and chancellor also said. “We no longer have stop-go, we have different levels of stop, with crisis after crisis.

Britain is low-growth, low-productivity, low-investment, low-wage economy. And that means higher levels of poverty, destitution and inequality. We are entering doom loop,”

That doom loop is mirrored exactly right across Northumberland with small state mentality at the top running big cost projects into the ground through lack of forethought and planning

Notes on 8000 jobs for editors:

Tuesday 27 August 2024

New MP’s need to get involved with DoT transport review and support the North-East Mayor in dual carriageway extensions to boost growth


The Department for Transport is conducting its own review of infrastructure plans following the Chancellors ‘Black Hole' revelation, (August 2024) and her finding that the coffers contain shortfall of £22Bn or approximately 4% of the current economy.

The £22Bn ‘Black Hole’, put down to George Osborne’management and failed austerity experiment has sat on the Government's balance sheets since 2014, as revealed by Ed Conway of Sky News pre budget during March of that year. 

Since then the £22Bn deficit has been largely ignored by the myriad of PM’and chancellors the Tories rolled out leaving the North to stop at Newcastle upon Tyne through the complete lack of vision over 14 years of selfish governance by the Conservatives.

The way out of that deficit position is to go for growth and at this moment in time that growth for the north of the North-East, Carlisle and the Scottish Borders is stymied through the spindly transport road infrastructure that is not benefitting commerce or industry from considering these regions in their growth plans and its inability to tap into the huge potential this area has to offer to the UK as whole.

The lack of high quality road linkages between England and Scotland via the A1 through Northumberland and the Borders and the A69 from Hexham to Carlisle M6/M74 are essential to filling the Black Hole from 2014 by 2030 leaving scope to invest in people and communities nationally and relieve the pressure and fear that the North of England is worthless and good well paid jobs should not exist here. 

This area of concern is now swamped with well educated well meaning new Labour MP’who need to get their feet into the Department of Transport spending review and make the noise required to bring the area up to that of the rest of the UK in the road transport sense and assist the Mayor for the North East to deliver her excellent vision of the area being great place to live and work.

We codgers will be watching and reporting on progress, that statement is not threat but encouragement to show the rosy garden of Growth can be created if enough effort is put into driving the weeds and tempting snakes out through fraternity and demand for equality with the rest of the UK.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Borderlands? It’s Northumberlands debt accrual and working outside conventions that will lead to Cramlington and Morpeth’s decline


Northumberland County Conservatives have over the last seven years drifted from convention and taken no notice of their own splinter group, its past chair of audit or national voting trends when deciding to run down services to its residents and concentrate on the delivery of glamour projects.

The realisation has just begun to dawn on Glen Sandersons team at County Hall in Morpeth that his reliance and promises that the Borderlands combined authority was going to deliver cash to regenerate towns in Northumberland when its funding promises had been getting shallower month by month is another pipe dream?. Especially when residents across the County were seeking a joint statement supporting the improvements needed on the A1 and the A69 to help both business and expand work opportunities on both sides of the border. Councillor Sanderson failed miserably to deliver on that score.

What was he and his advisors thinking when the Counties residents voted twice to support Labour Mayors for both the sub-region and the whole North-east region? When coupled with his major debt accrual which he began racking up even though it was predicted that funding was going to be difficult as the former Governments levelling up schemes begin to slip into oblivion under a prudent Labour chancellor.

His wish to get re-elected on the delivery of the Northumberland rail line from Newcastle to Ashington is being questioned not only for the massive debt its accruing but also for the fact that his Council have agreed through planning to open a 4000 student FE college in Ashington that will drive commercial investment in the Town, they also have to agree a new local plan with additional housing numbers that have been issued by Government. Its expected that extra housing will possibly sit near the new stations to house those who require access to jobs within the Tyne and Wear area without accruing emissions zone costs or tunnel fees.

Councillor Sanderson both as a former portfolio holder which included transport and as the Council Leader ignored the pleas from his own party splinter group from Cramlington and his former chair of his audit panel who both sought additional local trains on the east coast mainline to protect Cramlington, Morpeth and Berwick in a future with undefined domestic transport needs and costs that the new railway will relieve for towns along its lines.

His stance has meant that the GRIP studies required to fully open a Morpeth to Bedlington Station link and bring an on to Newcastle scheme forward has been put on the back shelf adding to the fear of decline for towns outside this corridor.

His latest press spin to try to blame the new government for the lack of regeneration progress in Bedlington and Ashington due to his unwillingness to court either of Labours combined authority mayors, instead he has made statements that it’s because he is waiting to hear the future of the Borderlands funding is despicable in itself. He is in danger of being outmanoeuvred for funding by other regional councils due to his intransigence to accept the voting trends of his residents who spoke overwhelmingly through the ballot box and the wider north-east to support a Labour regional mayoralty which has the responsibility for regeneration.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

The fiasco continues: Not only do Northumberland Conservatives not accept their financial ineptitude, they claim Labour has recently introduced policies they already had in place and now blame GOD for all their woes!


The unbelievable gall of Northumberland Conservative Leadership is rolling on and on they had not only pushed up the Council Tax charges to the highest in England since 2017, they have now decided while the nation is still in the grip of an economic crisis of their making that they will force an additional 4.99% increase in council tax onto the Counties long suffering residents.

This latest financial decision has forced up Band council tax since the Conservatives took over by £40 per week. 

This isn’the only shock to come, in their most recent financial decision, they are also cutting £57,000,000 from their spend on services. Even using the Local Government Association highest average local government pay estimate of £37,500 the £57m cut in services is the equivalent to £1,520 jobs and as no schedule of cuts has been issued with their single party Leadership and Cabinet decision to slash services we can assume it's jobs massacre they are planning in order to pay some of the myriad of debt that they now owe.

Their 2018 decision to not complete the third GRIP study into the Northumberland Line and bring in price competitive contractor to deliver GRIP 2½ instead has led to them not building up any form of reserve to cover inflation over medium term even through they made medium term financial decision during 2019 to plough on regardless. This has left them with now known £130m overspend with at least another financial year to run on this huge, out of kilter and out of control high spending project.

But that same Cabinet team who can’deliver services this year with street weeds and potholes reaching epidemic proportions in most towns and villages even when the Town and Parish Council for various areas have made decisions to help finance much of the costs for Grounds Maintenance, Street Litter Collections and public realm maintenance the failures show when simply walking or driving around you local area and they don’seem to care at all, with cuts so great the next council from May 2025 will struggle to pull them back into shape in one cycle.

But the Leadership of that one party state political melodrama known as the Conservative led Northumberland County Council have begun idiotically blaming the new Labour Government for policies introduced during the 14 years of Conservative self indulgent Government the nation has just relieved itself from.

Councillor Glen Sanderson has been caught out by local reporters making an utter fool of himself by following up an article that appeared in the right wing press that the Labour Party will be charging electric car owners mileage tax. policy introduced by the Tories. He is also farmer who has at his his disposal massive machinery using fossil fuels to bring home his bacon to line his pockets further and to many who know him his two faced assault on the environmental impact of road charges for heavier pothole producing electric vehicles is pathetic.

His Party Group at County Hall in Morpeth are also whipping up opposition to building homes in the green belt as Labour Policy when the Tories introduced this Policy number of years ago.

These are just two examples of the spin being pushed out from County Hall in Morpeth to cover over the mess that Northumberland Conservatives through their secret one party cabinet have placed at your door if you're Northumberland resident.

But the public ineptitude doesn’stop there, The Council’Leader when asked at recent meeting of the Council’Audit Committee about the Council’serious debt problem and how its affecting service delivery blamed GOD.

The fiasco continues:

Dysfunctional Prudhoe Tory who lost £3m court case and broke H&S law in his home town tries to curry favour with his 3m Millionaire pensioner mates!

  This  week  in  our  regular  Codgerly  runaround  of  Tory  social  media  sites  we  noticed  that  Councillor  Gordon  Stewart,  the  p...