Sunday, 26 May 2024

The chasms of chaos are ever widening at Morpeth’s Tory HQ.


Within the well groomed minutes of meetings put out into the public domain from the ever secret County Hall in Morpeth being read by more and more members of the public some show the sheer bitterness and outright depths of clarts that Northumberland’s Tories have slipped into.

 Committee clerks and democratic services officers who must sweat cobs to minimise the desperation and argumentative tension amongst the fractured rebellious members of the Councils leading party Northumberland Conservatives.

But as in all collapsing regimes some things can’t be hidden or papered over with reams of weasel words from elected hangers on who are supposed to organise the delivery of services to the public in an even handed democratic way and don’t.

 OlderTories or those operating on the outskirts of the former Castle Morpeth Borough Council area are justified in arguing to have similar services delivered in

areas they represent taking grounds maintenance in Cramlington as a prime example of left out Tory voting areas as some estates and grassed areas could do with forging a link with Kirkley Hall’s Northumberland zoo project as herds of ruminants could graze quite adequately on the steppes of Nelson Village, Brockwell or Northburn.

 Just a small insight into the level of democratic deficit that exists within the rank and file Conservatives and the ruling Morpeth Mafia group as they are called regularly by a avid reader of this blog from the northernmost reaches of the County, can be found openly in the March minutes of the Councils Audit Committee:

 Long serving and one time leader of Council Tory Councillor Peter Jackson asks to have a report produced to openly explain where the £millions from the Borderlands partnership are being spent?

 The Councils Leader, Councillor Glen Sanderson immediately picks up the proverbial mat, ties a scarf in his well groomed hair and with his most commonly used sweeping statement brushes his supposed compatriots request under that mat by saying the meetings were televised opening up another set of questions from Joe Public.

 Joe and his family now want to know if their grass isn’t being cut their p
otholes standing
unrepaired and the cost of Council tax in Northumberland sitting at twice the cost of Westminster Council whether the Borderland cash is being wasted on pet projects the Leaders cabinet want rolled out and if the Police will be investigating the Council and Advance Northumberland’s involvement in the Britvolt waste and other fiascos or will next years higher council tax be used to by a bigger mat and larger brush?

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