Sunday, 26 May 2024

The chasms of chaos are ever widening at Morpeth’s Tory HQ.


Within the well groomed minutes of meetings put out into the public domain from the ever secret County Hall in Morpeth being read by more and more members of the public some show the sheer bitterness and outright depths of clarts that Northumberland’s Tories have slipped into.

 Committee clerks and democratic services officers who must sweat cobs to minimise the desperation and argumentative tension amongst the fractured rebellious members of the Councils leading party Northumberland Conservatives.

But as in all collapsing regimes some things can’t be hidden or papered over with reams of weasel words from elected hangers on who are supposed to organise the delivery of services to the public in an even handed democratic way and don’t.

 OlderTories or those operating on the outskirts of the former Castle Morpeth Borough Council area are justified in arguing to have similar services delivered in

areas they represent taking grounds maintenance in Cramlington as a prime example of left out Tory voting areas as some estates and grassed areas could do with forging a link with Kirkley Hall’s Northumberland zoo project as herds of ruminants could graze quite adequately on the steppes of Nelson Village, Brockwell or Northburn.

 Just a small insight into the level of democratic deficit that exists within the rank and file Conservatives and the ruling Morpeth Mafia group as they are called regularly by a avid reader of this blog from the northernmost reaches of the County, can be found openly in the March minutes of the Councils Audit Committee:

 Long serving and one time leader of Council Tory Councillor Peter Jackson asks to have a report produced to openly explain where the £millions from the Borderlands partnership are being spent?

 The Councils Leader, Councillor Glen Sanderson immediately picks up the proverbial mat, ties a scarf in his well groomed hair and with his most commonly used sweeping statement brushes his supposed compatriots request under that mat by saying the meetings were televised opening up another set of questions from Joe Public.

 Joe and his family now want to know if their grass isn’t being cut their p
otholes standing
unrepaired and the cost of Council tax in Northumberland sitting at twice the cost of Westminster Council whether the Borderland cash is being wasted on pet projects the Leaders cabinet want rolled out and if the Police will be investigating the Council and Advance Northumberland’s involvement in the Britvolt waste and other fiascos or will next years higher council tax be used to by a bigger mat and larger brush?

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Excluded by Conservatives Residents of South-East Northumberland flock to foodbanks in record numbers

 The Trussel Trust and Churches together have recorded issuing record numbers of emergency food parcels to help families through the deepest crisis affecting people according to historians since the 1930s.

Cramlington foodbanks run by national charity the Trussell Trust, handed out 3,524 emergency food parcels to people in need in the year to March, 1,289 of which were delivered to support vulnerable children.

This is an increase
from 2,966 the year before and 96 from 2019-20, before the pandemic. Parcels provide food for either three or seven days.

Blyth foodbank recorded their highest need for community aid ever in the first week in May with local schools very concerned that children are coming to class without having eaten, severely damaging their ability to learn.

Pensioners organisations are also worried as the increase in state pension of almost 9% has been completely eroded for those who saved through their employers and now find themselves worse off through fiscal drag and taxation of 20% being levied by the Conservatives leaving them much worse off and having to scrimp and scavenge to get bargains and many also having to turn to foodbanks to make ends meet so they can cover their ever increasing and rising bills, such as water rates, energy bills and massively increased by the Conservatives at County Hall in Morpeth Council Tax payments.

Labour Party canvassing teams out for the Mayoral and PCC election held recently report that people cannot see an end to this period of poverty with the Conservatives in office telling people inflation is down and that they have cured the economy. Well it doesn’t look like that on the ground and people from Cramlington, Blyth, Bedlington and Ashington feel the pain it causes and they also know it to well and doubt it’s going away anytime soon.

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Tories: to fill the countryside with ‘new homes’ Councils removed from process by Government.


Mark Spencer, the farming minister, said this move to adopt Clarksons clause by the current Government will reduce "needless bureaucracy" of councils dragging out decision making on house building in rural areas. “Our decision will help provide farmers with the freedom to decide the best uses for their land”. The reforms also allow farmers to convert a building into up to 10 homes, without the need of planning permission from their local council, which is double the previous limit leading to thousands of new homes being developed without planning permission in the heart of the Countryside.

A number of Tory local authorities who have brought in local plans designed specifically to deny the development of homes in the countryside are having to scramble about and adjust those local plans which took years to develop to get their long hoped for ruralitus of bureaucratic shields to deny available homes. It’s predicted that there will be tears dripping into the glasses at the nations lodges tonight and well into the future as farmers have now gained Carte Blanche to stick fingers up to their Councillors who enjoyed watching them struggle previously.

The Tory Government has now taken away the Conserve from Conservatives and is allowing young people brought up in the countryside to now be hopeful of being able to bring up their kids up in a similar environment.

In Northumberland where the resolution of planning decisions is at an all time low as the administration crumbles under the weight of not being able to fulfill its local plan promises Conservative County Councillors have to face the wrath of parish councils who brought out neighbourhood plans to protect middle England from development and we here at murky can almost feel the animosity between Parishes and the County as costs will have to be born again locally as the Tories outmanoeuvre Conservative councils. 

Saturday, 11 May 2024

Tories borrowing more and dipping into emergency reserves show they have taken their eye off the ball?


Northumberland County Council is led and has been led by a crumbling set of ancient thinkers for the last seven years without the vision or the ability to remember what they asked for during the previous nine years when two different parties achieved Best Value on a regular and ongoing basis.

 The Tories who reminded people that grass verges weren’t being cut in rural areas a number of years ago are showing they also have been ignoring rural grounds maintenance as much as they can in order to spend and waste the Councils cash on glory projects such as the beautification of County Hall which has cost at least 400 families their jobs to cover off the cost.

What we have seen over the last few years are a number of issues which suggest that this Conservative Administration has taken its eye completely off the ball.

We have had the fiasco and  primary myopic problem of permanent piecemeal pothole management with costs of repairing cars damaged by the Council being forked out at an embarrassing rate. Its primarily due to cutting back funds from services slipping the funds over to glamour projects with soaring costs and the Conservatives answer: Lets charge our residents one of the highest council taxes in England and still not tackle potholes or the delivery of other services correctly.

We have had the fiasco over the non-cutting of the roadside verges in the north and the west of the county hoping Parish and Town Councils will pick up the costs. Surely this points to the need for devolution of local budgets and accountability to each part of Northumberland. We will have better local services with local control or do the unthinkable as far as the Tories are concerned and have a mixed cabinet with all parties involved in decision making.

We have had the fiasco of transferring key services from Active Northumberland and privatising Leisure Services to Places for People, a private sector run organisation with little or no local accountability as the Tories don’t care.  What’s happened – panic management, the derecognition of the Trade Unions - a serious failure of governance, no business plan open to the public, and unrequited cost implications running forward.

We have had the long term pantomime of a failing planning service which has lost £millions in cases where developers have won permissions on appeal and the compensatory costs are not just high financially but have led in many cases to local people feeling disenfranchised by their democratically elected representatives.

More than this, Labour Councillors have been given some revealing information about Northumberland Conservatives use of public money. They have stripped out reserves and are now using emergency funds, plus the ‘Secret Cabinet’ are borrowing more during this period of massively high interest rates taking debt well over £1.25Bn.

Opposition Councillors have been informed that the bill for outside consultants has rocketed over the last 7 years and the cost of compensating top officers as The Council Leader’s wing-walk through employment law. Despite both the current and previous Conservative Leaders' empty promises some time ago, the cost of consultants has doubled up to a staggering £2.4m million per year.

On top of this the annual bill for the Council’s using its internal communications department as spin doctors to deliver politics instead of public news stories amounts to some £0.5 million per year.

In rounding up not summing up as the Council has a myriad of failures that require public scrutiny, the fiasco of leading residents up the garden path and down the crooked mile in the name of Levelling Up is abhorrent with broken promises littering the Northumberland Conservatives ‘road to nowhere’ with broken promises to their constituents: let's take the promised 8000 new jobs for South East Northumberland as a prime example, where are they now? 

Disappeared just like the promises to deliver Best Value each and every year for the last seven years of failure in the spend of public cash. Now that their own Government has placed Northumberland County Council 300th of the 301 Councils the Nations Best Value indicators cover it shows the County will never recover under any ‘Secret Conservative Administration’ now or at any time in the future.

Ever more borrowing by NCC. Let's hope New North-East Mayors offices keep a weather eye on legacy loans?


Councillor Richard Wearmouth the Conservative head chap for the North-East, showed himself up on the TV this week when asked if he and his Council would work together with others and the North-East Mayor he went off piste and spoke about the Conservatives this and that and never actually answered the question.

Possibly after his reeling brain settled a bit, as his party had been crucified nationally, destroyed in North Tyneside and kicked in the teeth in Hartlepool with only one glimmer of hope as they won a Council seat on a single issue campaign in Newcastle North. This negative activity showing the long term plans of his design had unravelled, with his national Leader deciding a return to being the vocal nasty party was better than the secret society methods of Councillor Wearmouth did he come around and give a one liner to the Chronicle to say he would support the new North East Combined Authority.

The new openness lasted no more than a few hours when in an attempt to steal a positive headline and steer peoples eyes away from his groups loss of 8000 jobs in Cambois and replacing them with an environmental disaster set against his Councils declaration of a climate emergency by selling the site for all those jobs to develop a power hungry data centre he rolled out an improvement plan for the nearby Ashwood Business Park in the Northumberland Gazette.

Councillor Wearmouth has been involved with two previous attempts to kick start this enterprise zone site, announcing a masterplan from Advance Northumberland in 2019 revealing £250m was available for development work through its Enterprise Zone status and an announcement that the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP), in conjunction with the Council and Advance Northumberland had agreed to invest £2.7m in opening up the site in 2020.

So here we are in 2024 with neither the masterplan or the sub plan spend doing very much as the filling station and cafe’s on the site were funded by their landlords Euro garages, Yet the same Councillor Wearmouth is now promising to open up the site and deliver 1000 jobs and has BORROWED £2.3m from the outgoing NELEP who ceased to exist on May 2nd 2024 when the new mayor for the North-East region was elected.

With Councillor Wearmouths organisation, Northumberland County Council spiralling downwards almost daily this announcement to the public of borrowing ever more must be an immense worry for the new Mayors office as it is responsible to collect the repayments of legacy lending that the NELEP has doled out with NCC’s dysfunctionality still not corrected two years on after the Caller report.

With Northumberland County Council’s treasury department being rated by the Conservative Government in Office as 246th from 301 Councils nationally and the overall position of the Council sitting at 300th from 301 with only the bankrupt Nottingham City Council holding them up one place then the mayor and her officers have a good right to worry about repayments not being made or the third crack at this site being successful ever happening at all as the secretive Councillor Wearmouth has simply placed innuendo in the press about whose hooked in if anyones really showing interest at all its a simple headline grabbing trick from a one trick pony.

The only good to come from the announcements and a promise that may be delivered is that at long last the North Seaton/A189 roundabout is to be fitted with lights following a major local campaign being fully supported by Labour Councillor Liz Simpson from Newbiggin by the Sea along with the local traders association chair Enid Wilson and the Town Council hitting home as the Tories begin to look for friends with the local elections being less than a year away.



Daljit Lally 2018 memorandum of understanding with Government

Thursday, 9 May 2024


  • We failed to deliver 8000 jobs in Blyth,

  • Decide to cover up by selling the site for those jobs without a buy back clause,

  • Now threaten to black out the North-east in winter,

  • Why? Because we're Northumberland Conservatives! and were better than everyone else! Even though one of our team had to ‘escape’ from a Mayors hustings meeting due to his disgraceful Gaza-Palestine comments!

Failed promises, the destruction of Blyth Town Centre, the huge let down to residents by losing the opportunity to bring higher paid employment to the South-East of the County creating 8000 jobs and the distancing of the strategic Conservative led Northumberland County Council from blame when deals with equity companies and carpetbaggers failed to produce the goods. 

Making comparison with the same Tory groups candidate for office as North east mayor labelling the deaths of thousands of innocent people and the UN expressing concerns that hundreds of thousands are starving to death in Palestine, Northumberland County Council Secret Cabinet Member Guy Renner Thomsons comments that Gaza-Palestine questions at hustings for the North East Mayor are simply ‘sixth for politics’ shows why any decision to sell this site through brokered ‘Deal’ involving Cabinet members from Northumberland needs to be stopped in its tracks and Ministers need to intervene.

The latest ‘deal’ as crumbling Conservatives Councillor Richard Wearmouth describes the sell off of the Britvolt site in Cambois Northumberland at give away price without the chance of getting it back if his ‘deal’ like most other deals the Conservatives in Northumberland have been involved with fails. 

The question of potential failure even being asked of strategic council illustrates why his own Government failed to support Brit-Volt as top priority project and why Councillors from the Conservative party have yet again attempted to con the public when telling them they have other sites to build battery plant on. The now famous Max Caller report into the Council's failings and mismanagement says it all.

The Cambois site was and is unique when choosing where to build battery plant, it has harbour access across the road within 500m of the site entrance stopping the need to transport dangerous chemicals and placing danger to the public on our highways system. The harbour was also to be used to export batteries world wide.

It has very close access to rail depot to whisk batteries around the UK and proposed siding has been discussed at public meetings.

It is the home to Norwegian hydro energy input into the UK via the North Sea Link to stabilise our need for energy on windless and dull days in the North-east as we move ever more reliant on green energy sources.

Other sites described by Northumberland’Conservative Councillors do not have similar geographical advantages and will not warrant input by speculators or carpetbaggers unless it is to act as agents and get ex-industrial land cheaply to be converted into housing sites. If the County Councils independent Councillor for Berwick gets the council to agree to declaration of housing emergency across the County that will happen very rapidly indeed.

It is the close access to electrical power supply that makes this site valuable to data centre. They don’need port or good road network and most even the largest only employ 30 people. Data handling and cloud storage will grow rapidly as ever more artificial intelligence and robotic management is developed but it will take ever more unending supplies of electricity to power that growth.

As massive users of power Data Centres of the scale proposed will take as much energy as the grids generator plant and north-sea link can produce leaving the North-East exposed to having to design no-growth plan for the region in case dull windless days slow the input of green energy into the now ageing north-east grid system.

The planning decision on housing Data Centre of the proposed size pushed out by Councillors Sanderon and Wearmouth in the media at Cambois needs to be taken out of Northumberland County Councils hands and decided nationally or when squeaky-bum time arrives and it will those same conservatives will fully blame the Labour administration that will run Northumberland County Council from May 2025.

And for those supporters of these two councillors from Morpeth who lead the secret cabinet regime, we will remind you that your flood defences built by Labour administration won’operate to the same level as normal without sufficient power. Therefore we encourage you to ask your Councillors why they are supporting the cloud storage of emails at Cambois when homes in Morpeth may be put in danger?

Questions in the house from Ian Lavery MP for Labour: Question 6-11.,anywhere%20between%20five%20and%2030

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

It's time ‘Advance’ Northumberland shook the failed County Council into action to save face



Unbelievable Council Meeting told all.

The codgers met after watching the May 2024 Full Council Meeting where The Leader of Council announced the giveaway ‘deal’ to sell off the Brit Volt site buyback clause for ridiculously lousy 1.11% of the current estimated Data Centre project cost.

With Northumberland County Council slipping to be the second worst run Council in England according to the Government data exposed in the Times newspaper this week and as people from all over Northumberland know their disastrous involvement with so called levelling up projects and promised non-starters has taken this Tory led County Councils eye off the ball as their inability to keep places clean, green, potholes filled and tidy outside Morpeth and Ponteland is hated by most other residents county-wide.

Local opposition Councillors are having field day, with Berwicks Georgina Hill completely embarrassing the Council Leader and his hapless Deputy when asking about this long term failure to deliver single element of best value in the last seven years following all of the leaders promises to deliver more and better services on the public's behalf. With data supplied to Government illustrating failures in Planning, Waste management, Highways repairs and maintenance and Financial management.

The Leader responded with the wishy washy despondency of man surrounded by the smell of shot foxes that he had lodged complaint and the wrong data had been supplied to the Government in failed attempt to gaslight the public. He also had the audacity to say that the Times should have warned him in!

These two exposures this week, the Brit Volt fire sale of land rights and the vipers tongue comment that somehow his own Government had been supplied the wrong figures for every service the Council delivered and delivers to and on behalf of the public except social care! No wonder the Government have reneged on promises to deliver dualled A1 also promised on so many occasions by the MP for Berwick upon Tweed Anne-Marie Trevelyan eventually reaching the Scottish Border when the Financial management of local authority which would act as the broker for this project falls further back than its usual weak position to second bottom of the pile of all Councils and has been exposed as pathetically desperate. wandering service that Labour Councillors brought up into the public eye prior to the Council forcing through its budget with cash reserves stripped out to an all time low.

With audit expert Councillor Anne Dale asking to send the matters to the audit committee for the external auditor to have look the dismal performance of the  Conservatives at previous meeting, with this hanging over them the Conservatives awful business moved on, but: The fire sale is the absolute admission by the Conservatives on the Council that they have completely abandoned their promise to help create 8000 jobs in South East Northumberland and develop an institute instead of shopping centre right in the middle of Blyth in the name of levelling up. This institute was supposed to train and service the 8000 jobs that would have spun off from Brit Volt and educate well planned replacement workforce on an ongoing basis it's obviously no longer needed.

We at the codgers group meeting believe it's now time to abandon the institute build altogether and leave further-ed to other better positioned organisations who through Government interference and xenophobic resistance to foreign students in case they settle here have space in abundance to house the now meagre bit of training needed to service the few jobs Northumberland Conservatives have brought to South East Northumberland. With their abandonment of the Keel Row centre the Tories can boast 176 jobs to be created in 2025 at wire factory and 203 lost in retail in the Town of Blyth in 2023. This is on the back of news that Blyth’largest employer Dreagar is looking to re-site its headquarters away from the Town. hapless position to be sat in.

The mess they have created in the Town of Blyth is using Future High Streets Fund’ cash by the bucket full to develop high street with no future as the Farmer, Glen Sanderson who runs the Council desires

It's time that fund was used for its rightful purpose and halt the re-development of the Keel Row centre using their own retail development arm of Advance Northumberland who have brought in new shops and kept Cramlington Manor Walks at the top of the league for the last eight years. It's so busy they now need to develop much more car parking to sustain business. Yet the Conservatives are closing High Street in the County’largest Town using public cash when retailers are looking for sites across the piece.

The Range who bought Wilko brand are looking to relaunch the brand on high streets this year, Peacocks, Next and Bon Marche are reportedly looking to get back onto high streets in larger Towns, Hobby Craft are moving from trade centres as high streets is the place to be for them as the move back to cash to manage family budgets is growing and online sales slowing down, with many more retailers including the Co-op and B&M’bringing new shops smack bang into high streets across Britain moving back onto high streets from out of town, with Sainsbury’and Tesco wanting to build medium size units in Town Centres where they do not have units aleady.

Advance Northumberland is in terrific place to grow Blyth back to centre that people want to spend in and the people of the Town in numerous surveys over the years also want covered in Market so Northumberland Conservatives get off your high horses and deliver what's wanted by real people who live in Towns in our Future High Streets.

‘EXPOSED’ Questions about legality of decision making as Northumberland Tories write of eligible applicants?

A recent freedom of information request on unnecessary losses by Northumberland Council Housing as it fails the public in supporting those i...