Friday, 16 December 2022

How thick do Northumberland 'Toxic Tories' think its paying public are?


Being insular,only talking with friends, backstabbing those on the edge of your scene eventually leads to twisted minds and shocking behaviour, circumstances which led to the downfall of the nation's top tory-boy Boris Johnson. Reading between the lines of the news report linked below proves that adage which applied to the real top Tory to be very close to the truth in picturesque rural Northumberland.


Let's look at the history of a company in 'real public ownership', the ownership of the council taxpayers of the County of Northumberland? 


The company in question has an easily traceable past, it started out on its journey as a regeneration company, set up by Wansbeck District Council to protect people's former colliery homes and help ordinary folk cope and not be left behind as society changed dramatically from manufacturing, mining and sea fishing into a service sector based economy. It was a brilliant success in the geographically restricted area of Wansbeck District.

When the County of Northumberland was set as the largest unitary rural all purpose council in England, the Wansbeck company was transferred leaving oodles of funds from the sale of its football stadium to help develop a new leisure centre close to the centre of its largest township, Ashington. 


These developments were undertaken and delivered by the company ARCH, a metamorphosis of the Wansbeck District Council regeneration company, guided by the Council with Councillors in abundance on its board.

Northumberland Conservatives were very close to ARCH when they power shared with the LibDems but when labour won the 2013 election this successful arms length company was poisoned by the Tories on their ‘Matters’ sites and the well publicised ‘we will close down ARCH’ from Councillor Peter Jackson who sat on the board from 2008 sounded its death knell.


But lo and behold after £millions of investigations, false allegations and police involvement it came to light that a £52 overspend had once taken place, but the need for a development company was so necessary that the Tories desperately changed its name to ADVANCE Northumberland and set off down the ‘road to hell’ as they followed the Johnsonite way of working and brought in their mates exposing the Council Owned company not to profits that could do good for the people of the County but into multi million pound lawsuits from gigantic material supply companies and huge compensation payments to outgoing members of staff for putting Johnsonism before people.


In the article set out below the North-East of England's top Johnsonite Councillor Richard Wearmouth is openly setting the Company ADVANCE Northumberland on the road to becoming a private enterprise by kicking democracy and the protection of Council taxpayers' cash out of the window.


Labour Councillor Mary Murphy is quite right to ask serious questions of Councillor Wearmouth’s motives and hiding behind the Caller review of his teams bullying and infighting holds and much water as a colander as when a member of the public has attempted to ask questions in the Council Chamber at County Hall in public on three occasions regarding these issues Councillor Wearmouth’s Tories have immediately stopped meetings and brought in the Police to remove him from the chamber to protect their not so well hidden secrets and well publicised antics.





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