Saturday, 4 September 2021

Council Meeting getting very close to Thunderbird?

That's the string puppets and not the wine!

Wednesday 1 Sep 2021 saw Northumberland County Council meeting back on its home turf in Morpeth. This being the first meeting since the lifting of Covid restrictions it was expected that a good turnout would be had, particularly as the public agenda papers showed that the Council would hear a major private matter at the end of their televised debate.

Expectations from this current administration are in our eyes at the murky reporting desk very low indeed and the turnout from those who could probably walk or cycle to the meeting in the style of BoJo’s trips to Westminster was abysmal and without the shadow of a doubt limited to a single Morpeth mobber, the bespectacled Councillor Benyon.

The Leadership of the Council were tackled well through the series of questions from opposition Councillors and tried their usual chest stuck out answer to a question from their own ranks with their faces full of smiles particularly from the Leader of Council himself, the man on the platform made from loose scree, Councillor Sanderson and those viewing were able to see the strings being worked in fine Thunderbird fashion by Councilor Wearmouths foot.

Working the strings, the puppet master must have tired quickly as his failure to answer a single basic question on ‘Local Government Finance’ pitched to his front leg by the independent member from Stocksfield, Councillor Dale, showed how lightweight the current Leader Team is. We would have expected a better attempt from Councillors Oliver and Jackson at making something up even if it was unbelievable, but along with the remainder of their mob were noticeable by their absence.

The meeting then bumbled along until it came to Motion No1 with Labours Leader, Scott Dickinson pounding away about equality matters and women's rights, the LibDems letting themselves down as their Leader, the man who called his home town a dump, Jeff Reid from Blyth disgracefully tried to set the Council back 40yrs and harped on about the cost, when it came to the vote he was deserted by his team who must have been ashamed of his stand which was not expected from a LibDem.He needs to read the Lords report on women's equality from his own Party!

But the big problem facing Northumberland County Council, that of security of confidential papers was yet again damaged and the reputation of the Council left hanging in tatters by a thread through the number of Tories from Castle Morpeth who stayed away after they had been sent the confidential papers for the meeting. But reading social media pages from known Tories, they accused Labour of leaking the information into the news-ether as allegedly the Labour whips had a similar problem with their team during the non-televised part of the meeting when a number of their new Councillors disgracefully deserted the Labour Group after the Council went into a confidential session finding something more important to do elsewhere.

So we at Murky have to ask whose leaking the info to weaken the Council or are they all at it?

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