Monday, 25 March 2019

Jacksons Dilemma

Sue or Resign.

Having read the excellent Letters Page in the PONT NEWS where Councillor Peter Jackson Leader of the Conservative Group and Leader of Council threatens to personally sue the Directors of Lugano Dissington Ltd., and one of the Directors of that Company, Allan Rankin surprisingly beckoning him on to do so in order that the truth behind Jacksons threats are revealed to the public, has left Peter Jackson with a huge dilemma.

Peter Jackson is the top Local Government representative for the largest geographical area, with the largest population in the North of Tyne Combined Authority. As such he carries the burden on his shoulders to show that local politics doesn’t carry the same stigma as the politics of sub-Saharan Africa.

Peter Jacksons and his group, openly attacked the business interests of Lugano in early 2017 with a strange move to make sure that Lugano did not build a Garden Village, backed by Peter Jacksons Government on land near his own. That action led to the commencement of a serious Law Suit the defence bills of which are being born by the Council Tax payers of Northumberland.

Due to circumstances that this blog is not party too but which Allan Rankin alludes to in the Pont News Letters Page, Lugano had to withdraw its case.

So much public money has been spent on this matter that due to the old adage ‘there’s no smoke without fire’ Peter Jackson needs to fulfil his threat contained in his letter in order that in Jackson’s own words “substantial legal costs” are at least revealed to the population who have been bankrolling him and his cronies for 17 months and that the true personal costs of the alleged bullying by Council top Councillors and Staff on others come out so that the electorate can judge for themselves.

Peter Jackson only has two courses of action if he wants to stifle the truth any longer, SUE OR RESIGN.

The letter are on page 10

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