Friday, 29 March 2019

Northumberland Tories Failing

in their attempts to Turn Back Laws Established in 1736
A Court set to sit for a fortnight in the established by the Romam Empire Fishing Port of North Shields (although its name derives from the Middle English from the sheds used by the fisherfolk who dwelt there).

This court is hearing the very complex witch hunt against a former Director of Advance/ARCH v Northumberland County Council naming among others the Current Leader of Council Peter Jackson, about whom its been fixed by the press, that he was a Director of Advance/ARCH and sat on the Audit Committee of that organisation.

In Court its now ingrained into the records that Advance Northumberland was simply a name change from ARCH and that through the Tory manifesto issued in Peter Jackson’s name, he stated he would scrap ARCH, a Company he was a leading Director of, Cllr Jackson was asked if he knew what the responsibilities of being a Director of a Company were.

Moving away from a case in motion but keeping on the subject of Northumberland County Council and the lead up to this very complex matter, the Council through its Audit Committee led by the ex- press secretary for the Tory MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan, witch-finder General, Cllr Georgina Hill, has over a series of months lined up the case being heard at the moment, by challenging the integrity of the new Chief Constable of Northumbria Police Winton Keenen, and the honesty of Northumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird.

In a well rehearsed audit committee meeting that reported on a matter where Northumbria Police found no criminality occurred at the Company ARCH, the desperate for good news Northumberland Conservatives, sought the use of another Police Force in order that they can take the eyes off the findings that will come from the Court Case above.

Integral to the Georgina Hill debacle is the independent head of the internal audit partnership for Northumberland and North Tyneside Allison Mitchell, yes that’s the person who dealt with another massive mess by the Tories the devastating disaster that was the investigation into the ‘North Tyneside Crane’.

Allison Mitchell, is covered by her CIPTFA membership, she now needs to tell what she knows and answer the questions about the Committee she serves in Northumberland that of Cllr Georgina Hill whom she’s allowed to turn an audit committee into a scrutiny panel, a function the audit committee is not set up to embrace. A committee that is swamped with right-wing activists and is fixated through it chairperson on leading the charge on bad news stories against the Company Advance/ARCH in a wicked way designed to colour a Court Case against a former employee and others who dare defy the Tory farmers who have tight control over County Hall.

It’s a pity but its now squeaky bum time for Ms Mitchell and she needs to audit her options which are rapidly running out before confidence in her decision making runs out completely.

Support from Ms Hill will not ride to her rescue as history has shown in the past, she only loyal to her own thinking, so on this we will remind them both: Set in statute, witch hunting was outlawed in 1736.

Monday, 25 March 2019

Jacksons Dilemma

Sue or Resign.

Having read the excellent Letters Page in the PONT NEWS where Councillor Peter Jackson Leader of the Conservative Group and Leader of Council threatens to personally sue the Directors of Lugano Dissington Ltd., and one of the Directors of that Company, Allan Rankin surprisingly beckoning him on to do so in order that the truth behind Jacksons threats are revealed to the public, has left Peter Jackson with a huge dilemma.

Peter Jackson is the top Local Government representative for the largest geographical area, with the largest population in the North of Tyne Combined Authority. As such he carries the burden on his shoulders to show that local politics doesn’t carry the same stigma as the politics of sub-Saharan Africa.

Peter Jacksons and his group, openly attacked the business interests of Lugano in early 2017 with a strange move to make sure that Lugano did not build a Garden Village, backed by Peter Jacksons Government on land near his own. That action led to the commencement of a serious Law Suit the defence bills of which are being born by the Council Tax payers of Northumberland.

Due to circumstances that this blog is not party too but which Allan Rankin alludes to in the Pont News Letters Page, Lugano had to withdraw its case.

So much public money has been spent on this matter that due to the old adage ‘there’s no smoke without fire’ Peter Jackson needs to fulfil his threat contained in his letter in order that in Jackson’s own words “substantial legal costs” are at least revealed to the population who have been bankrolling him and his cronies for 17 months and that the true personal costs of the alleged bullying by Council top Councillors and Staff on others come out so that the electorate can judge for themselves.

Peter Jackson only has two courses of action if he wants to stifle the truth any longer, SUE OR RESIGN.

The letter are on page 10

Thursday, 21 March 2019


Joseph Goebbels

Joseph Goebbels
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State”

Deloitte produced the report featured in this article in 2013 for the Labour Group’s management period of the Councils partner companies. Once accepted by Council in early 2014, the Head of the Internal Audit Partnership, Allison Mitchell, managed the processes for the full group of companies and the Council..

The process in line with the featured report meant that ARCH’s audit committee team, Councillors, Peter Jackson, Jeff Reid and Grant Davey were guided through the agreed process by the Head of the Internal Audit Partnership, for almost four years.

The report being put to the Councils Audit Committee led by the Berwick Terrier Georgina Hill, has singled out a number of happenings and events that have been poisonously denigrated on social media and run out by the Tory edited Times Newspaper, nothing new is being put out by the Head of the Internal Audit Partnership.  

Were sure that the ARCH Audit Committee members are at this moment in time asking why did she not tell them if she thought the processes were wrong and as none of the actions by the board of ARCH are unlawful why write a report that is so damaging to her own reputation and let people who have no shame or self control manage the report in public?

The head of the internal audit partnership is the internal auditor for the Council and its Groups of Companies and had adequate opportunity to comment and have those comments published with the annual accounts of ARCH and Advance, that opportunity wasn’t taken.

Councillors are democratically elected to follow the guidance of officers in making democratic decisions. As their decisions weren’t challenged by the professionals running the service one has to ask why wait almost two years to inform the public?

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

The Siege of Hexham 2019

Designed by Tories, Delivered by Tories, with the Full Help of a Tory Government
Today is a day to go down in history, when a Town that believes it sits in the heart of the UK becomes fully dependent on Chris Graylings expensive rail travel as its Tory MP, Tory Council and Tory Government have had it cut off by road from the rest of society.

Its often been said that the Tory’s in Northumberland couldn’t organise a P**$ up and today is proof that those soothsayers are correct in their judgements, as the A69 is blocked with traffic from Brockbushes roundabout to Haydon Bridge, cutting off the Abbey town of Hexham to both commerce and visitors alike and will be like that until the middle of the summer.

This latest ‘road improvement’ scheme has been planned for a number of years, with Highways England being its prime sponsor. The Local MP Guy Opperman has waxed lyrical on many occasions as to the benefits this laughable ‘road improvement’ scheme will bring to the Hexham area.

But the nub of the problem may be that lack of control or is it ability to organise a prime scheme anywhere in the County, which lies with the Leader of Council, Peter Jackson and his portfolio holder for highways and local services Cllr Glenn Sanderson, both rich farmers who must have a great knowledge of engineering on a major highway.

Glenn may have a bit of an excuse as his master, the Council Leader is trying to cut the terms and conditions of his staff. Its been said by wags that its in order to bank more cash to design an even greater number of road improvement schemes to go wrong. He should consider his position after this debacle.

Well if your sitting in the traffic on the A69 over the next few months remember that once the staffs pay gets cut you may be asked to donate to food banks in Hexham as the cost of rail transport to the heart of all England to feed a population under siege will be much higher than if they had left this highway alone in the first place.

‘EXPOSED’ Questions about legality of decision making as Northumberland Tories write of eligible applicants?

A recent freedom of information request on unnecessary losses by Northumberland Council Housing as it fails the public in supporting those i...