Monday, 25 February 2019

Tories attempting to Mainstream Fake News Team

With the Tories ‘Secret Council’ exposed on television this week by the outgoing Leader of Northumberland Labour Group Grant Davey, over them holding what they describe in the report as an ‘informal cabinet’ where the Tories agreed to slash the terms and conditions of their workforce, kill off the single status agreement and remove the Trade Unions and their members from national pay bargaining.

This almost ‘STAZI’ like activity took place whilst at the same time putting huge wage hikes into their budget for top staff, raising top staff pay levels well above those the Tory Leader of Council, Peter Jackson, complained about in 2015 in his half famous ‘footballers wages’ speech.

To cover over this ‘secret activity’ and to direct staff minds away from the dreadful cuts they are facing, we expect the Council to spin out ever more fake news surrounding ARCH in the next few weeks. As usual they will pump it through Georgina Hills ‘Toxic’ audit committee probably justifying it with a report from the man described in a recent bullying tribunal case as the Councils ‘Hired Gun’ Steve Crosland of Crosland Consulting who in an attempt to mainstream his activities has been made a Director of the Councils arms length company Active Northumberland. He reports directly to the Deputy Chief Executive of the Council Kelly Angus, number two in the STAZI and HR Director of the Council responsible for staff pay and conditions.

In order to ensure that the Council can support the ‘Wayne Daley’ plan to ‘gift £80M of public money to schools who have left the Council education system and academised themselves on into the private sector’; The workforce will be made to pay to cover up the Tories messy budget and medium term financial plan along with paying the massive legal bills the Council is running up to protect its Chief Executive and others from exposure to the myriad of bullying cases the Council is locked into. The Council employs more than 6500 staff covered by the single status agreement and the terms and conditions cuts will permeate through into lower spend in the local economy over the next two years, making businesses also suffer the consequences of these dreadful and possibly unlawful decisions by Northumberland Conservatives.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Is Northumberland County Council 2019/20 Budget Lawful?

On Wednesday 20th February 2019 Northumberland County Council went through its annual budget process.

The full Council in Northumberland, a Tory led local authority sat in front of the very bad tempered on the day Chairperson, Councillor Richard Dodd, who bragged about his constitutional knowledge to everyone sat in front of him with the Councils chief executive sat beside him, Mrs Dalit Lally CBE. (Its on you tube link below)

At the meeting, Northumberland Labour Group pushed forward a number of amendments to safeguard the poor, protect the disabled and halt the attacks on their heartlands of Blyth and Ashington, whose fragile economies will be hacked downwards by the Tories scarification of deprived families incomes who dare to claim Council tax benefit, extending the Tories national attacks on the poor into Northumberland’s most deprived communities.

A number of Labour’s amendments were ruled out of order with the reason that Mrs Lally’s Officers hadn’t had time to crucify them and add them to the spiked haemorrhoid of unacceptable to her and her political allies, the Tories policies.

Labour amendments and motions were designed to improve people’s lives in Northumberland, they failed to make the political cut in the Tory mantra they were designed to do through the application of constitutional process by the chair and his political advisers blanketing him on the day.

Two of Labours motions had to be heard, even the twisty use of the rules of debate couldn’t halt them and in front of those who seem to know and brag that they do, the constitution and the law surrounding local government, inside out, the Leader of Council, the millionaire farmer, Councillor Peter Jackson said the council should put two amendments together and vote on them.

That process took place and the Tories and their Bedlington Independent allies voted the joint motion which was not composited by the motions movers from the Labour Group down. They then accepted a motion from one of their own team as an amendment and moved to vote on the substantive motion.

Ugh ugh. That process is completely outside of the Councils constitution and should not have occurred. The Councils chief executive, chairperson, legal advisor and section 151 officer allowed this flawed process to take place, all amendments have to heard individually.

So it’s now down to the Councils External Auditor EY to rule on this anomaly and tell the public and the Council taxpayers of Northumberland if their budget is lawful or if the Leader of Council and chief executive should resign over this debacle?



Thursday, 14 February 2019

Sunday Times ran a short article on how ‘dirty money

On 10/02/2019 the Sunday Times ran a short article on how ‘dirty money’ from Russian and Eastern European oligarchs cash is being paid into Tory Central Office.

Its long been known that its then distributed through the veins of the Tory ‘hole in the wall’ system by regional chairmen and out to Branches and beyond to pay for the fight against ‘socialism’.

n Northumberland in particular is closely linked with the Berwick MP Anne Marie Trevelyan exposed by the Labour Party in North Northumberland and the cudgel taken up by the local press.  She denied any involvement of course.

The well known bullying Tories in Northumberland seem to have lost some of the close links they traditionally had with Conservatives on the ground who religiously supported them both financially and physically. As that support has dwindled through the permanent attacks and vitriol poured out on social media by the likes of the Northumberland Murky Blogspot and other sites, the right wing masters of spin have now become ever more reliant on running with the political big boys who will want payment back.

The Chairman of the North East Conservatives is one Richard Wearmouth a leading Northumberland Councillor and an energy trader, owning a large number of companies in that field. He is also the Chairman of ex-ARCH company Advance Northumberland the developer of the massive Energy Central business park which is wrapped around the river Blyth in Northumberland and is expected to be the panacea that drives up employment in one of Britains worst unemployment blackspots. It was a brilliant Labour Party idea that took off in the eyes of regional businessmen and led to a cable being laid from Norway into the Blyth Estuary to power up the region. This 2016 video explains some of whats going on. unfortunately the idea is now stolen by the bully boy Tories with whom payback arrangements from those who’ve made an investment will have to be arranged.

Energy trader Councillor Wearmouth wearing one of his other hats as Chairman of the NE Conservatives and his distribution, or is it doling of funds is well documented. It comes in from Central Office and he then looks after his many tentacles by honouring them with a regular shower of cash. Berwick seems to be a popular place to offload the moolah, now we wonder which Murky person gets his support from that neck of the dark woods?

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Northumberland’s Hidden Directors Where are they?

As Northumberland with its partners City of Newcastle and North Tyneside’s populations move towards electing a mayor, we thought it was probably time to check out who’s steering the ship across the County, the North of Tyne’s largest partner, in the absence of a number of top officers rumoured to be in hiding from harassment by the current Tory administration

Its been brought to our attention that the top director from Northumberland Geoff Paul, the man who did all of the slog to ensure that the North of Tyne mayoral combined authority got off the ground, has been bullied out of his post and is taking a tribunal case against the Council. He's just one of several we know of.

The Northumberland rumour mill grinds on with whispers that the Deputy CEX of Northumberland finds himself in the same plight, the Finance Director Barry Scarr is off work with depression following a very commonly known (even among roadworkers and gardeners) argument with the centre of Northumberland’s messy steerage, part time very well paid CEX Mrs Daljit Lally.

Further more as rumour millers know there’s even more strange news, that Mrs Lally Daughter has secured a good job with a car in the department which last year her mum received a £34K bonus for travelling abroad for, the hidden from view ‘International Department’. Are these stories linked in some way?

There may be a simple explanation; her daughter may have been the best at interview. But then again I suppose you can’t climb the ladder of success if you keep your hands in your pockets.

Our Council has raised tax by 4.99% and you won’t believe what they are spending your money on?

Conservative led Northumberland County Council has raised its council tax by the maximum allowed, 4.99% yet again after a series of massive ...