Saturday, 28 July 2018

The department that doesn't exist starts to siphon cash from NHS while shafting the council taxpayer

The mysterious 'International Department' which, according to Northumberland County Council, doesn't exist has popped up in the trade press for the NHS

The department which is headed up by an interesting character who flits between the NHS, Arch and the Council picking up huge swathes of public cash from NHS, Arch and the Council. She's called Allison Joynson. Some of you may remember her from her role as 'chief' of the Tory campaign to make sure middle class parents kept their children's travel perks otherwise known as post 16 transport. Her prominent role in that highly partisan attack on the county council obviously brought her to the attention of Tory talent spotters Peter and Daljit. Or as they are now know 'the co-defendants'. 

Allison can be seen here

It's a good job Labour didn't persecute people for their political views isn't it dear reader? 

So back to Allison. She's known as a bit of an 'Arch privatiser' in NHS circles as you can see here

She's keen to export the NHS to China but a little less keen to keep doctors surgeries open in Blyth like the Collingwood surgery. 

Alison was drafted in to 'oversee Arch' (all the while working for the council and the NHS) and we don't know where she found the time to set up three very expensive investigations into Arch. 

We presume she was helped by her BFF, Ms Lally, another NHS 'entrepreneur' who seems to like to chase the 'dollar across the world' with her dual NHS/NCC hat on. 

Maybe both of them want to tell the public how much their 'travels around the world cost'? 

Alison (and Daljit) drafted in private investigators who have carried out 'exhaustive' investigations in Arch and across the council into individuals and, what seems like imagined political opponents of Chair of Arch, Cllr 'Mouth of Wear'. 

All we can find of the private investigator's work is ……… NOTHING. Despite questions we can find no evidence of any work carried out. We wonder who on the Board of Arch has seen anything produced through this 'secretive contract' awarded under 'secretive circumstances'?

Maybe the 'Queen of Transparency' at Audit could have a look at that contract?

Back to Allison (who is also listed as Deputy CEO at NCC) and her role at Arch. It's shrouded in secrecy but a basic company check shows some interesting questions which she may wish to answer about her interests outside ARCH/NHS/NCC. 

She was a director in her husbands company, Associate Designs which lists 'development of building projects and construction of commercial buildings' 

She resigned from the business officially on 16 April 2017, three whole weeks before the election that saw the 'co-defendants' and Cllr 'Mouth of Wear' take the reins of council and Arch.

Even though she resigned from the company, we wonder whether she declared her husbands interests in a company which was involved in the same construction arena as Arch? 

Maybe she declared it, maybe she didn't but it's another reasonable question given the controversy she orchestrated, along with Cllr 'Mouth of Wear', her Chair and fellow entrepreneur, her BFF, Ms Lally and the other 'co-defendant', Cllr Jackson, the 'Member for the Isle of Man'. 

Maybe she declared it in the same way as Cllr 'Mouth of Wear' declared his property development interests in North Tyneside where he stopped Arch from developing a project which would have netted over £4m for the Northumberland tax payer in Howdon?

We agree the governance problems at Arch are worth looking at very closely indeed particularly since 4 May 2017. 

So, dear reader, we'd like you to have a look at this picture and see if you can get NCC to explain how much cash will flow back to the council tax payer from a deal with Chinese property developers. Or to put it another way, why would property developers from China be interested in Northumberland without a core strategy and no power for neighbourhood plans?



We'll finish with an extract from Allison's own words when she was fronting 'Parents Against Decision to Scrap the Post-16 School Transport action group when she said she 'would be making a formal complaint to the council and the Local Government Ombudsman over misleading information'. 

We wonder if she'll now consider the irony of her threats to the council when she heads a 'ghost department' which the council refuses to confirm exists, overseeing 3 'secret investigations' in Arch costing a huge amount (we'd know how much if the council would release the Arch accounts for the first full year of Tory trading), jetting around the world while orchestrating a campaign against Arch and it's justified business generating trips to Cannes and other MIPIM events and we wonder if she'll be thinking of that old chestnut from right wing poster boy George Osbourne 'we're all in it together'?

When do we get the 'independent enquiry into the decisions taken by the 'co-defendants' since May 2017? 

A guide and nicknames of those mentioned 
Allison Joynson - Alison Joynson

Daljit Lally - co-defendant - she's being sued for misfeasance in public office. 

Peter Jackson - co-defendant - He'll be in the same court room. 

Richard 'Mouth of  Wear' Wearmouth - self explanatory but he really does like Sunderland City Council. 

Georgina 'the Queen of Transparency' Hill - she's also known as the 'co-conspirator' and the woman who refused £19m for Berwick

Not mentioned in this article but also part of the 'co-conspirator clan'  

Nick Oliver - Cabinet member for Corporate Affairs - 'the last man in the bunker' or the man who put the bent into Bentley

The rest of the Tory group - 'the useful idiots' or 'the lemmings' or the 'poor man's version of the Titanic orchestra.  

Bedlington Independents - see above plus 'we've sold out our town, what are we going to do to deflect' or 'Robbo's 'raiders' 

1 comment:

  1. Can I suggest changing text to white or background to white to aid those of us with minor visual impediments? however a telling tale that needs to be spread widely, but is of no surprise to the regular NCC and 'Arch'/Advance (the same company in all but name) watchers among us.


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