Sunday, 2 December 2018

Is it a UK pandemic or a ‘silent war’?

Gordon Brown, probably Britain’s best ever Chancellor, has written a number of articles about the ‘May’ effect. Although he doesn’t preach unrealistic socialism, his actions as this nations former leading political expert on finance and treasury matters illustrate his true colours. When we look at the policy changes he made to equalise society both post Tory and pre Tory particularly when following on from Thatcher and her continuing cohorts, who sold Britain and offshored the well paid jobs of millions, began the loads-a-money society fuelled by massive interest payments being made by those who were persuaded renting was bad and home ownership was an aspiration you must turn into reality even if your family suffered. The secret cover up was of course the beginnings of a social eugenic program backed up by The Daily Mail and the Sun who spewed out dogma on a daily basis which went on eventually powering the anti migrant clamor that drove the Brexit result.

The transfer of Britain’s wealth to the then top 7% who were to become the mega rich was the playing field Gordon Brown stepped onto. He rolled up his sleeves and got to work; overhauled the welfare state, protecting the most exposed and vulnerable which in turn protected local businesses that had survived the nations super-drive and reliance on market forces. Pensioners were protected through the ‘triple lock’, young people enjoyed the educational maintenance allowance. Families weren’t confined to only being able to feed two children receiving child support for each and every child, along with the protection of the disabled through a fully open scheme managing the disability living allowance.

Almost a decade on, ‘May’s’ Tories are waging war on the civil rights of families, young people, the disabled, pensioners and children under the cover of Brexit, fully supported by the local Conservative branches, drawing in on their wider support mechanisms, with organisations such as the WI who once helped those in need, now being seen as the Commandos of the political right. The BBC a public corporation is currently consulting on behalf of May's Government on the removal of the elderly persons free tv license.

In Northumberland the ‘Secret Tory Council’ are dealing with the prime fundamental from their right wing core, how to keep up the pretence of being a caring organisation whilst politically supporting Duncan Smiths war on the poor.

The answer of course is to hand the poor over to the Citizens Advice Bureau and then it’s not their fault.

At a recent West area council meeting CAB revealed they have been swamped by people from Prudhoe who are suffering financial problems and that’s before the roll out of Universal Credit and the further degradation of business on our high streets who rely on any surplus cash from local people being put through their tills.

The Tories of course are making a definite attempt to draw in more people into their controlled society in rural areas by two-tiering education against the wishes of their prime support. Is this an experiment in eugenics to see if society who feel helpless and alone will doff their caps and carry on regardless or will they organise a fightback and dismiss their controllers?.

The secret council have of course replaced up to date information on the council's web site regarding deprivation with info from 2015 to cover their tracks.

In 2017, Gordon Brown in the run up to the snap election, predicted Mays deprivation figures that were criticised by the United Nations recently.

I hope those who read this take notice and don’t remain silent.

Notes to editors:

Thanks to Mr Hudspeth for this link:

Attachments area

‘EXPOSED’ Questions about legality of decision making as Northumberland Tories write of eligible applicants?

A recent freedom of information request on unnecessary losses by Northumberland Council Housing as it fails the public in supporting those i...